the hit

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Sharon walked with Andy out of the Interview room with Andy.  Rusty looking horrified at her.
"Mom are you okay?" He asked.
Holding up her finger she caught her breathe looking to Andrea. 
"Asualt on a police officer, you can hold him for that?"  Sharon breathed.
"Oh yeah" Andrea replied. 
"I'm fine" Sharon replied. 
"Yes, but we're going to get you some ice" Andy said laying his hand on her back. 
Sharon nodded as he led her slowly to the break room.  Opening the door he led her to a table before closing the door.  Grabbing an ice pack from the freezer he walked back over sitting next to her.  She took it placing it carefully on her cheek.  She winced slightly, closing her eyes. 
"Are you sure your okay?" He asked.
"Mmmmm, just hurts."
"What the he'll were you thinking?  Taunting him like that?" Andy asked, serious now. 
"I didn't intend for him to hit me, I just, I needed him to admit he had any part of it and I got carried away." Sharon sighed.
"What made you?" He asked. 
"I just remember what it was like to be in a relationship like that.  And Jack..."  Sharon shook her head.
Andy reached out taking her hand. 
"Hey, I'm just glad your okay"
"He packs a hard punch."
"Is that the first time?"
"That a suspect attacked me or that I've been hit?"
"First for a suspect, Jack only did twice."
"I'm sorry" Andy sighed shaking his head. 
Sharon leaned forward kissing him softly.  Without saying anything she wrapped her arms around his neck looking him in the eyes. 
"You don't ever have to apologize for my old horrible mistakes."
Andy sighed as the door opened, both looking at Rusty.
"Sorry, but I have to run out for Andrea.  Are you okay, do you need anything?"
"I'm fine but thank you" She replied. 
"Love you" Rusty said slipping out.  
Sharon looked back letting out a slow breathe.

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