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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late post. But Enjoy!

Sharon slipped her hand down to intertwine with Andy's as they watched Julio.

"Come on let's go home" Andy said looking at her.

She nodded, letting out a sigh.

"I need a glass of wine" She laughed.

Andy opened the front door to the apartment.

"Is Rusty with Gus tonight?" He asked taking Sharon's jacket.

"Yeah, he's spending the night as far as I know" She said biting her lip.

"Oh, really?" He asked pulling her against him.

Laughing she ran her forefingers up and down his suspenders. He smiled kissing her forehead.

"What did you have in mind tonight?"

"Wine and snuggled on the couch with you" Sharon smiled. "I'm going to go get something comfortable on. I'll be right back."

"I'll make us something to eat" He called as she left to her room.

Coming back Andy was seated on the couch with an assortment of snacks. Sharon slipped into the kitchen to get herself a glass of wine before joining him on the couch.

"Ya know, I really hope that Julio can get the kid." Andy said as Sharon walked over. "If he wants to that is."

"Me too, I should be the first one to say that family is important but. This isn't good for him. And there's no reason he can't still have contact."

Andy nodded as Sharon sat down next to him, pressing her side against his.

"Speaking of adoption and parents. Are you going to tell Rusty? I know you said there wasn't any proof about Stroh but..."

"I know I need to, I just want to protect him. And I don't want to stop him from moving foreword with Gus. What should I do Andy?" She asked looking at him.

"I think that I'm just as worried about this as you are. Stroh is smart, I just don't want you to get hurt. Or Rusty. Telling him is protecting him. I'm not saying that you need to tell him to go into hiding but let him know." Sharon nodded.

Leaning in she kissed his cheek.

"Want to watch more Outlander?" She asked smirking slightly.

Andy laughed reaching for the remote. Sharon sipped her wine leaning her head against Andy as he leaned back. Andy's arm slipped around her both falling into a comfortable silence.

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