5x20 (Sneak Peek)

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A/N: That preview got me thinking about what would maybe happen in this upcoming upisode and while this isn't a post for that I decided to have a little fun and post it here for you all lovely people. So here goes nothing and let me know what you think.

It had been a living hell for the last forty eight hours for the LAPD. There were nine bombs in the city and five had already gone off, killing 30 and injuring even more. Sharon and her team were running out of energy. But no one was going home. Their loved ones had gotten out of the city but there were still their own lives they worried about. Sharon worried that she wouldn't see Rusty again, and the last thing they had done was argue about him leaving to go stay with Gus at Ricky's. Andy had been her strength when she wanted so to give up and go be with her kids. But when she put on that badge she made a promise to the city to serve and protect. Just as Andy and the rest of the team had done.

Standing in her office she looked out over the city. No matter the hours spent getting into this bombers head she couldn't figure out where he was going to strike next. Major events in the cities had been canceled in an effort to stall him but his bombings made no sense. A train station, a cemetery, a warehouse district, a night club and a hotel. No major buildings, no massive events. There was a knock on Sharon's door and she turned to see Andy come into her office closing the door behind him.

"I feel like I'm doing nothing." Sharon said looking back at the folder on a possible suspect. An ex-cop, but other than a few points of evidence was like every other suspect.

"I know, but the bomb squad, FBI and about five other precincts have what they need from us and we're still working to catch this guy."

"We don't even have an idea of who he is. He's a ghost Andy."

"Hey, we will catch him and get our family back okay?" He said calmly.

Closing her eyes she nodded.

"I need to prep for this briefing in an hour. Can you go help the guys?" She asked, he stepped towards her in a quick move and laid his hand on her cheeks.

"I'm right here if you need me, even if it's to say how much I love you, a hug and a kiss." He said quietly.

She smiled as he kissed her forehead before walking back out. Sitting back down she opened up the files and started to look them over.

The explosion started as a rumble that turned into a roar that shook the floor beneath her. Jumping up from her chair she wasn't sure where she was going to go but she just wanted to get away. To let Andy take her in his arms and protect her. For her to be there for him and he for her. As she ran towards her door everything crashed in around her. The room filling with smoke and sparks from cut wires. When Andy pushed himself up he was turned around, nothing looked as it had five seconds ago. Pieces of the ceiling lay on top of him and he shoved them off making sure everyone around him was okay. Standing up he helped Amy to her feet.

"Sharon" He breathed turning towards her office. "SHARON" He called making his way towards where her office had once been.

He heard Sharon coughing and his heart leapt into his throat. Running towards her he pushed debris out of his way trying to get to her.

"Andy, help me" Sharon called when she heard him almost reach her.

Her voice was course unable to really speak. Seeing Andy she tried to move but couldn't. He climbed over a pile of ruble finally reaching her.

"Help me, I can't move. My legs are pinned under this" She coughed trying with what little strength she had to move the pylon that had fallen on top of her.

"I NEED HELP OVER HERE" He called realizing he didn't have enough of his own strength to lift it either.

Sanchez, Tao, Buzz and Amy came over followed by Provenza as they tried to lift it and free Sharon's legs.

"Andy, when we get it off help pull her out and we'll drop it. This thing is a good 400 pounds." Provenza ordered.

Sharon knew not all of it was pinching her but her one leg was probably broke and it had it trapped between other pieces of metal. Andy moved to take Sharon under her arms ready to free her.

"Alright on three. One. Two. Three." Amy said as they all lifted enough to have Andy pull her away.

Sharon let out a sob as the pain finally set in and the same relief that she wasn't under that pylon anymore. she held Andy's arm tightly as he held her while they waited for help to arrive.

She didn't remember passing out but when she woke up she was in a dimly lit hospital room. Looking around she saw Andy seated beside her. He was watching the news coverage on mute, one hand holding Sharon's tightly. Squeezing his hand she grabbed his attention and he smiled at her realizing she was awake.

"Hey" He whispered.

"Mmm, what happened after you guys got that thing off me?" She asked.

"You passed out just before the rescue team got there and they rushed you here. That was, eh, nine hours ago." Andy explained.

"wah, what about our bomber?"

"The last few hours have been crazy but they got him."

Sharon nodded and tried to move but winced.

"Oh, don't move. You broke your leg and had a few cracked ribs. They had to do surgery on your leg. You have a rod and three screws now." Andy said running his thumb over the back of her hand.

"What about Rusty and Ricky?" Sharon asked after a moment.

"They're both here. I had them go get some dinner and get some sleep. I didn't know how long you would be out."

"They saw me like this?" Sharon asked.

"Like what? Human? They love you Sharon, so do I. We don't care, and we don't think that you are anything less. If anything, it's proof you in fact are a super mom." He smiled making her smile.

Andy played with the ring on her finger as they talked.

"You know I love you, and I'm here for you." He said bushing back her hair as he looked her in the eyes.

Reaching up she cupped his neck and pulled him towards her. Their lips meeting softly. Meeting as though for the first time in years. With love, and hope, and protection. Her own super human sitting before her and this amazing man that loved her more than she sometimes deserved.

"After you get out I am never letting you out of my sight Sharon Raydor." Andy smirked.

"Flynn," he looked at her confused. "I want my last name to be Flynn."

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