5x21 (Winter Finale)

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Sharon took a swig of water, everything was sore and she didn't want to move. They had all moved downstairs to a safe level. Andy walked in and stopped seeing Sharon covered in dust and soot. Sharon looked up and let out a sigh of relief. Standing up she walked over to him, angry that he could have done something so stupid.

"You could have gotten yourself killed Andy" She said, her voice rough still.

"I took a chance I know, but we weren't going to get him otherwise and he hadn't seen me before so he had no idea I was coming. And he wasn't armed."

"You're an idiot Flynn" Provenza said hitting his friends arm.

"Probably so, but I'm a cop, always will be. I needed to do this."

"Can we talk?" Sharon asked walking towards the elevators.

She turned looking at Andy, tears in her eyes. Andy took her in his arms pulling her close as she cried against his shoulder.

"Talk to me" Andy said quietly.

"When I was on the phone with him and I heard you, I was worried that you would get hurt. Then when I knew the bomb was in the building I just... I was worried that I would get hurt or that I wouldn't see you again. And that scared me more than anything. I'm just glad this case is over."

"Let's get you home and into some clean clothes." Sharon nodded.

Opening the front door Sharon hadn't even gotten her jacket off before Rusty was on her hugging her tightly.

"Are you okay mom?" He asked tears in his eyes even though he had fought them back. Sharon looked at him drying his tears.

"I'm fine, nothing a shower and some clean clothes can't fix." Sharon said kissing his cheek softly.

Rusty nodded letting out a sigh as he watched her walk down the hall.

A few hours later Sharon and Andy were back cleaning up when Howard came up. They were talking and Andy tried to listen in for any hint of what they were talking about.

"Can you come with me into the chief's office?" He asked. "I have a bit of a surprise for you."

"What? Please tell me it's not..."

"It's not me and it's not Davis Captain, if I can even keep calling you that" Howard said as they walked away.

"She did it" Andy smiled watching her walk away.

"Hey guys look, cockroaches, Twinkies and Provenza all survive." Wes smirked holding up the mini Provenza bobble head.

They had finished up and Andy was waiting around for Sharon with the rest of the team, all eager to hear the news. He looked up hearing her high heals against the floor as she walked towards them. Andy stood quickly, beaming at her.

"Not so fast guys, I'm not Chief." Sharon said taking Andy's hand.

"What?" Andy asked.

"Well good for him" Mike said smiling. Sharon nodded in agreement.

"What's in your hand?" Andy asked pointing to the box.

"Uh, funny you should ask, because while I didn't get Chief. I will have a new title." Sharon said handing Andy the box to open it.

He let go of her hand opening the box carefully before looking at her in disbelief.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"You are now all looking at Commander Raydor" Andy smiled.

"Congratulations Cap... Commander" Buzz smiled.

"Thank you Buzz, it was far from expected. And while i would love to stay and celebrate with you. I'm exhausted. I did want to tell you all how proud I am of the work you all have done with this case. Makes me proud to be a part of your team." Sharon said smiling softly at them all.

"Now go home and be with your loved ones" Andy said leading Sharon out.

They got onto the elevator and Andy moved, kissing her quickly.

"What was that for?" Sharon asked.

"Mmm, just love that I can do that now. AND, I am really proud of you. I say that we go home and celebrate with the kid." Andy suggested.

"Nothing would make me happier" Sharon replied kissing him again.

She glanced down at her ring smiling at the way it looked against the light. She leaned closer to Andy as he help her hand tightly, never once letting go.

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