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Sharon's ears rang as she tried to get her barring's. Mike reached out helping her to her feet. The smoke was thick and she coughed as they looked for everyone. Amy was on the ground and Sharon ran over helping her up.

"Are you alright?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Amy asked laying her hand on her arm.

"I'm good," She started looking around at all those who were injured. "Provenza?"

"He was right next to me" Amy said turning.

Sharon's heart dropped when she saw Provenza on the ground Wes standing over him.

"Wes" Sharon called as she walked over towards them.

"He's knocked out. We need an ambulance, he's hurt pretty bad."

Sharon nodded as Amy ran off to get help. The smoke slowly cleared revealing all the destruction and those who were hurt. Most everyone from the funeral were safe with only a few injuries. The cops hadn't been so lucky. Two people died from the explosion. Sharon finally felt sore when she got into the car to drive back. Her chest and arms throbbed. Getting back to the station she stepped off the elevator with Amy, Mike, Wes, Buzz, and Sanchez. She moaned when Rusty ran towards her hugging her tightly.

"Oh, I'm okay Rusty, but really sore." She sighed hugging him back.

"Sorry, Andy and I were worried, wait where's Provenza?" Rusty asked.

"He got hurt in the explosion, he's going to be okay, but he's at the hospital." Amy explained as Sharon slipped away to the bull pen. Andy was sitting at his desk his head in his hands.

Smiling softly she cleared her throat. Andy looked up at her moving to his feet. Without saying anything he walked towards her kissing her hard.

"Don't ever do that to me again Sharon" He said brushing back her hair.

"Okay" She whispered. "Provenza got hurt, he's at the hospital right now."

"Does Patrice know?" Andy asked with a sigh.

"Not yet, I thought you should call her, she trusts you."

Andy nodded pulling out his phone. Sharon excused herself to her office closing the door behind her. Slipping off her jacket wincing at the pain in her shoulder. Closing her blinds she unbuttoned her blouse wincing in more pain. She breathed slowly as she tried to overcome the pain. Sitting down she closed her eyes the tears starting. There was a soft knock on the door and Andy walked in. He looked at her walking over to kneel in front of her.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My shoulder, I think I messed it up when I fell, it hurts to much to try and look." Sharon replied.

"Want me to help?"

Sharon nodded, Andy unbuttoned her shirt enough to pull it off her left shoulder.

"It's bruised pretty bad, want me to get you some ice?" He asked, she nodded pulling the shoulder back up.

"Mom are you okay?" Rusty asked stopping when he saw her.

"I hurt my shoulder is all." She replied, eyes bloodshot from the tears.

"Can you get her an ice pack?" Andy asked standing up.

Rusty nodded turning on his heals. Andy walked over closing the door so they were alone.

"Are you okay Sharon?" Andy asked again.

"Officers died today, and people were hurt. I couldn't help them, we should have figured it out earlier."

"Sharon don't think that, there was nothing we could do. He was there, he would have set it off no matter what, you did a good thing trying to save those people."

Leaning forward she rested her forehead against his letting him hold her close.

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