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Sharon walked through the front door closing it behind her quietly. The condo was quiet as Rusty was out with Gus after work and Andy was most likely already in bed. Slipping off her shoes she locked the door and walked to the bedroom opening the door quietly. Andy was sitting in bed looking through a book about wedding planning making Sharon smile.

"Hey, how did it go?" Andy asked putting the book down.

Letting out a sigh she shrugged and started unbuttoning her blouse.

"I don't know, you know I'm happy where I am, and I get to spend my days with you guys and after five years I value and respect the whole team. But I don't want... I don't know. Can we just not talk about it tonight?" She asked pulling out her nightgown slipping it on.

"Ok, let's talk wedding."

Sharon laughed climbing into bed. Leaning over she kissed him softly.

"Not that either, I love you and I can't wait to get married but I really just want to curl up and sleep." Sharon replied.

"I'm okay with that. You want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Why not" She smiled.

She pulled the blankets up as Andy turned on the TV, she had never had a tv in the room till Andy. It was nice with having Rusty only because they could sneak away for a relaxing movie if he and Gus wanted the living room.

"Do you still want to find a new place?" Sharon asked as she laid her head against his arm.

"I don't know, maybe after the wedding. Don't want the extra stress." He said with a smirk.

"Don't even joke about that Andy Flynn." She said kissing his chin as she looked up at him.

"Won't do it again. I'm happy just being with you. No matter where we live." Andy smiled cupping her chin in his hand. "I love you" He whispered kissing her softly.

"I love you too." Sharon smiled.

Settling against him again she felt her eyes growing heavy. Finally falling asleep against him comfortably.

A/N: Sorry to have this one be so short. I didn't really have a good one to do for this episode but I wanted to give you guys something. I hope next week I will have something more to give you. In the mean time check out my other MC story "Dancing through Life" Till next time!

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