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Sharon sat on the couch her feet pulled up under her and she searched the internet aimlessly. She couldn't sleep. Not with the images of those kids haunting her thoughts. She sighed as she pulled up Emily's Facebook seeing that she was still on. Smiling she sent her a quick I love you and a good night message before searching through her pictures. The front door unlocked and Rusty opened the door. She glanced at him smiling softly as he walked in.

"Hey sweetie, how did it go with Gus?" She asked closing her computer.

"Did you wait up for me?" He asked changing the subject.

"What? No, I couldn't sleep. And Andy snores." She smirked as he came over to join her. "So what happened?"

"Well, we didn't break up after all."

"Good, what about the moving in?" Sharon asked.

"We're still figuring that out but he understands why I don't want him to pay for all of it." Rusty said as he slipped off his shoes.

"Why don't you?" Sharon asked.

Rusty sighed and Sharon leaned forward touching his arm.

"You don't have to tell me, I'm just being a mom." Sharon said with a soft smile.

"No it's fine. I just, for a long time when I was on my own I had guys buying everything for me. I don't feel good about it now. I just want to be able to provide for myself and Gus if it comes to it and right now I don't really have a way to do that." Rusty explained.

"I completely get that, I have been providing for myself and my kids for twenty years with no help from Jack. And then Andy came in completely willing to help pay and I still can't bring myself to let him."

"Yeah, well I am going to go over tonight, I just needed to grab a few things and then I'll be out of here." Rusty said standing up.

Sharon stood up grabbing his arm. He turned looking at her.

"I'm really proud of you Rusty." She said, he smiled hugging her tenderly.

"Thanks mom, I'll see you tomorrow" Rusty said, Sharon smiled and nodded before heading to her bedroom.

It was dark as she made her way to the bed and pulled back the covers crawling in with Andy. Leaning towards him she kissed his cheek pressing her body to his as she settled in.

"Mmmm, Rusty home?" He moaned.

"Yeah, he and Gus worked things out."


Sharon laughed "Go back to bed honey."

"I need my little spoon" He whispered making her laugh. Turning to her side Andy wrapped his arms around her his chest pressed against her back.

"Good night my love" She whispered feeling his lips press against her hair. Closing her eyes she relaxed into him.

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