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Sharon sat in the viewing room watching the final interview with their killer. She turned as Andrea spoke while the others walked out. Running her fingers through her hair she sighed her fingers resting over her mouth as she let everything sink in. She hated pulling apart a family, no matter what they did. Andrea grabbed Sharon's wrist looking at the ring on her finger. Sharon laughed.

"When did this happen?" Andrea asked.

"A couple days ago" She beamed glancing towards the door as Andy walked in.

"You did well Flynn" Andrea said looking at him.

"Seems to be the common concise."

"And Rusty helped, I was more than surprised." Sharon smiled.

"How did you not tell me?" Andrea asked.

Sharon laughed and rolled her eyes.

"We were going to have a little party and tell everyone. But then Ricky sort of let it slip when he came to visit. So didn't go as planned." Sharon explained standing up as they walked out.

Ricky and Rusty were sitting at Andy's desk talking with Andy making Sharon smile.

"I need to go take care of a few things, I'll be right back and we can go to dinner." Sharon said squeezing Andy's arm as she passed him walking into her office.

"So Ricky, how do you feel about this?" Andrea asked.

"It's been a long time coming when it comes to her being happy. After my dad Andy is a huge improvement." Ricky smirked.

"Glad you think so" Tao smirked.

"Alright that's enough." Andy said.

"Congratulations, I'll see you tomorrow Rusty. Good to see you again Ricky."

Ricky smiled as Andrea left. Sanchez came in with Mark and everyone looked up.

"Oh, how did it go?" Amy asked.

"Great, I won at golf" Mark smirked. "And the judge said that Julio would make me a great guardian."

"well if the judge says so, Congratulations" Tao smiled.

"You two will make a great family." Buzz smiled.

"So can I call you my dad?" Mark asked.

Rusty looked towards his mom's office, it was moments like this he wanted to hug her. To thank her for everything she had done for him. He watched as Sanchez tried to explain everything to Mark. Their relationship was pure and sweet. Andy's phone rang and Rusty looked at Ricky then him.

"Huh, it's my ex-wife" He said looking at his caller ID.

"Oh, does she call often?" Rusty asked.

"Uh, no, no, hold on. Hi, Sandra what's up?"

Rusty and Ricky looked at each other till Andy hung up.

"Ok, I'm ready to go" Sharon said walking out of her office.

"You'll never believe what just happened."

"What?" Sharon asked.

"My wife just filed for paperwork with the church."

"Really?" Sharon asked looking towards her sons.

"Yeah, see maybe a church wedding isn't so far of a stretch."

"Yes, he works in mysterious ways. Well I have most of my family here. And I have the rest of the night free for dinner" She smiled at Andy.

"Good, I feel like celebrating" Ricky smiled as he followed them to the elevator.

"Oh, celebrate what?" Sharon asked her arm slipped around Andy's waist.

"A deal of course, that's what we celebrate around here. Deals, a very good deal." Rusty said following them.

They reached the restaurant and Andy went to get them a table.

"Hey mom" Rusty said grabbing her arm, she turned looking at him.

"I know you two did that" Sharon said watching them.

"I'm sure you do, but we didn't go against anything and believe me Ricky wanted to. But that's not why I want to talk."

"Okay?" She glanced towards Ricky who walked into the restaurant.

"I've never really thanked you for... For adopting me, and being the best mom I could have asked for. Sanchez getting custody of Mark just had me thinking." Sharon smiled taking his hand.

"We both needed this, I am so glad you have become a part of my family."

"So am I, come on, I can't wait for embarrassing stories." Rusty laughed, Sharon smirked walking with him inside.

Andy smiled as she walked in and she gave him a soft kiss before a waitress led them to their table. The four of them sitting down. Glad to have a stressful case and few weeks over with to have this single moment.

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