Chapter IV

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Jaslyn's POV:
School had become worse than usual with him on my mind the whole time. I started to fail my classes, I just couldn't concentrate. I started spending a lot of my time at the beach. There is a vast forest of pine trees behind the dunes. There is a clearing somewhat in the middle of the forest a small creek ran through the clearing off to the left it was small enough to jump over and the water was as clear as day. A large mossy rock the size of a greyhound sat in the middle. The birds would sing and the wind whispered as it weaved through the trees.

I was there again tonight, the sky was clear, not a cloud to be seen. The stars and moon displayed a dazzling light show onto the clear running water of the creek. The atmosphere was calming and peaceful.


My head spun in the direction I heard a twig break, there was nothing there. I scanned the tree line for any sign of life but there was nothing, it must have just been a koala or bandicoot. I dismissed the sound and dived back into thought.

There was a rustle near a brush my head spun around in the direction of the noise, this time on the opposite side of the clearing. I noticed that the breeze had changed direction and it was more chilly now. I was only in a summer dress.

I started to get nervous and wanted to go home but I had a feeling in my gut. I wanted to move but I was too scared. The noises were probably just small animals but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

Gathering all my courage I stood up and began walking to the end of the clearing. As I neared the shadowed tree line the nerves built up. I knew this was stupid I was safe how can I not be? But in the back of my head, I just had a bad feeling.

I heard the sound of soft footsteps behind me, I swung around but it was too late I felt a cloth against my mouth and nose I kicked and pushed, I tried to scream but it was useless. The feeling in my legs and arms slowly until I couldn't move at all.

Everything went black.


My head throbbed as if someone had smashed it against a brick wall. I tried to open my eyes but the light that meets my face made my head sting. I quickly closed them again.

I was laying on a hard, cold floor. Where was I?

I don't know how long I had been there for, honestly, I was terrified.

The last thing that I can remember is walking out of the club... then nothing...

With my head still throbbing I roll over onto my stomach, covering my eyes from the light with my icy hands I slowly open my eyes. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to their new ambience.

All that surrounds me is grey concrete walls as if I was in a gaol cell. There was an oak wooden door to the left of me. It was dark with a brass handle, the door looked at least twenty years old but still stood strong. The room was a small square, the walls were probably about two metres long on each side.

I stood up slowly my legs were weak and shaking, the world was spinning in front of me, like when you stand up too fast and you can't focus, everything goes black and you see little sparkly white lights. It goes away usually after a few seconds. I waited for it to fade but it didn't.

I tried to walk to the door but only after one step I started to shake, I couldn't hold my own weight and I collapsed. Tears started to run down my face, making small wet dots on the hard, cold concrete floor. I crawled over to the oak door. I reached up to grasp the handle it wouldn't budge.

"Fuck" I whispered to myself. My voice was raspy and dry it was only then I noticed how thirsty I was. I was locked in here with no way for getting out or calling for help. I was a prisoner and by the looks of thing, I was going to die in here.

The fear of the whole situation started to fade and my body was filled with panic. Adrenaline rushed through my body like a rushing river making its way to the open waters of the sea.

I was going to die in here and no one back home would even know what happened to me. I would have just disappeared. Maybe they might think I ran away or maybe mum would blame herself because of the fight we had earlier that day.

Mum, she will never know, and Muscles he will be forever waiting for me to come in the front door so that he can tackle me to the ground like he always does. I am going to miss him so much. The way he curls up to me on cold nights and the way he plays around the back yard chasing all the birds away from his dearly beloved chicken friends. I chuckle as all this good memories flood my mind. I think of the night's mum and I had movie nights, we would watch teen wolf and drool over how dashingly hot Dylan O'Brien is and I would secretly give Muscles pieces of pizza. You just couldn't say no to those big brown eyes. Just to think that I would never see them again, I would never see that cheeky smile he put on as he laid upside down on his bed.

I would never see that loving smile mum would give me when I came home from school every afternoon. I would never eat the perfect choc chip cookies mum would make where the chocolate chips would melt in your mouth. I would never again feel the warm and safe embrace of my mum's arms when I was losing myself. I would never hear her calm voice say "I love you".

Tears started to cluster in my eyes again making my vision blurry. I held in a breath as they threatened to escape. I need to be strong and clear my head of these thoughts if I am going to get out of here alive.

Note: This book has been edited by myself, although I would love for someone else of more knowledge to go over it once more.  

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