Chapter IX

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Unedited ***

Jaslyn's POV:

The sunlight danced through the waving trees. The wind sung as it weaved in and out of tree trunks and their leaves. Pretty little flowers swayed in the breeze, some of the pink others purple and yellow pastel colours. The whole atmosphere seemed to hum. Small animals scurried around, squirrels collected their acorns that had fallen from a beautiful big old tree.

There was a nest of small rens sitting high up in a tree, you could hear them singing out to their mum. Bees flew around in all directions playing musical chairs with the flowers.

I look down at my feet. PAWS?!?! They were as white as the snow not even a spec of dirt had landed on them. For some reason I felt clam about the fact I had paws for feet after the initial scare.

Where was I? I have never seen this land before though I thought that it looked familiar. I could here the babbling of water. I walked to where I could hear the water. It was getting louder and louder with every step I took. Soon a crystal clear brook came into view, the water seemed to have a neon blue tinge to it.

Small fish swam around the smooth round stones that lay on the bottom of the shallow body of water. Smooth sand and fine dirt framed the brook. Reeds and beautiful flowers were scattered along the bank of the brook. There was a big willow tree just visible down stream, the string of green leaves swayed in the wind, some only just touched the water. Herons hid in the reeds occasionally snatching up fish the fish were silver and white with circular fins smooth and soft their eyes pinkish white, they seemed to pure.

I looked down into the water, it was like a mirror. I saw a wolf eyes as blue as the great barrier reef, fur flawless and as white as newly fallen and untouched snow. Pulchritudinous.

I looked up across the brook and was a bit taken back by the sudden appearance of a godly figure kneeling on the sift ground of the bank opposite me.

She has long, blonde platinum locks of wavy hair that came down to her waste. She was wearing a tight but also flowly white dress. It seemed to sparkle in the light, it looked somewhat like a wedding dress. Her eyes looked as if they had the whole galaxy in them by they way they shinned in the light of the sun. Her skin did not have even one imperfection on it. She was the definition of beauty.

She looked up from the water, her hands cupped a small amount of water dripped from them. She looked into my eyes, I could see so much power and wisdom in hers.

She stepped into the water, the flowly white material attached to her dress floated o top of the water. She kept walking towards me, I started to back away from the water and further up on the hill where the lush green grass swayed in the breeze.

"My daughter, do not worry" her voice was so motherly and seemed to echo all around me,

Finally she reached me and sat down on the grass next to me. I peered down into her cupped hands, a fish swam around in the small amount of water held in her hands, slowly leaking out.

"This fish, it is different to all the rest yes?" she questioned without taking her eyes off the fish. I looked at it again. It seemed to have red eyes while the rest of the fish has white. Its fins looked sharp and black while the other fish have more circular and soft fins.

"This fish was never mean't to be. It is a hybrid, a mistake" I looked down at my own wolfish body. I don't understand  what she is trying to get at.

Slowly the water dripped out of her hands. "You are probably wondering who I am?" I was silent. 

" I am goddess of the moon, of all wolves and of the hunt." her eyes didn't move from the fish. "you my beautiful little hybrid will be called Valiant" she took her glaze away from the fish and looked ahead of her. Darkness appeared to consume her eyes. "you have a very dark future. You past is a dark untold silent twisted fairy tale that within time you will come to know."

There was a flipping noise we both peered down into the goddess' cupped hands. All the water has run out. The fish was trying to escape, you could smell the terror in the air.

"put it back" I yelled, the goddess seemed to not hear me. I yelled it again and again no response. The fish gradually stopped moving until it was completely  still.

"in death as beautiful as in life" she states as the placed the lifeless fish back into the running water of the brook. The fish now flowed downstream.

The goddess walked back up to where I was. " I feel that it is now time for you to leave us here. Keep this experience in mind my daughter Valiant. Good luck, we will meet again"

She smiled at me, so soft, loving, caring smile despite the fact she just murdered a living creature that did no wrong.

The world around me started to fade into black, like the vintage filter on Instagram. The very edges of my vision started to go black and it slowly engulfed my whole vision.

The whole world was now as black as a panthers fur. I couldn't think.

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