Chapter V

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Unedited ***
A/N: this chapter is dedicated to love_creativity  for the amazing book cover that was made for my book. Thank you so so much it is perfect.

Jaslyn's POV:
The nights were long and cold. The bare ness of the walls seemed to give off a sad feeling. It had been three days now and I had not seen another living soul. Every morning I would find a small silver platter of Bread and dried out meet; the type of food that you would pack for a long camping trip up the mountain. Mum and I use to go camping with muscles only a few years back. I miss them.

I wasn't really scared anymore, some times it would take me by surprise but other times I felt nothing, maybe even boredom, is that wrong?

I spend my days sitting in the corner furthest away from the locked oak door, thinking about home and about how I was going to escape this horrid place. Ideas were always flying through my mind but none of them seemed to feel like they were going to work out.

Today wasn't different to any other, I had started to scratch a tally into the wall with a small pebble that I had found near the door. So far I only had three lines on the wall and by the sun set soon to be four.

I wondered how many I would get on the wall before either, someone came to get me, I escaped or the unspeakable happened, if I were to die in here.

I took a few deep breaths, no that wouldn't happen to me, it couldn't, could it ?

I was ripped of my thoughts when I heard a faint clunk, the sound of heavy, maybe leather boots walk on stone floor. It couldn't be. Some how the noise was sweet yet horrifying compared to the never ending silence that have engulfed me for the past three days and nights. Not even the sound of a bird or the wind, nothing.
The foot steps gradually getting louder I started to feel fear and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. What would happen to me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up right and my arms and legs began to form goose bumps when I heard the unmistakable sound of a metal key being drives into the lock on the other side of the oak wooded door that had sealed me from freedom for the past few days.

Was it someone to help me? Or was it bad news? Who had taken me and why have you locked me in the cell until now.

The door swung open with a groaning as a man walked into the room.
No, wait this can't be I knew this man, but where from? I just can't remember. He stood there and just looked at me all huddled up in my corner, like a small child when they are cold or sad. Was that pity in his eyes? No can't be.

"You don't remember me do you " his voice is deep and rough. His face covered in a dark brown beard, in shaven and not neat by any standards. He wore green camouflage shorts that came to his knees and a white singlet with a blue flanny that he had messily rolled up a above his elbows. He had very old looking, worn and dusty Red Back work boots on.

"N... no" I said rather to softly for my liking, I was mean to be tough, well at least acting tough if I even wanted to get out of this place.

I stood up to meet his eyes my back straight head held high.

"No, I do not remember you do we have ever meet it must have been brief" that sounded better. I didn't sound so afraid.

"The Rouge that night there was a fight" it all started coming back to me after he said that. He was wearing a similar style that night, he had gotten into a fight with that man; the very good looking one.

"What do you want from me" I questioned.

"I want to bite you" That was weird. He took at step closer I started to sweat. Why does he want to bite me that is just wrong. He kept stepping closer. Oh god, this is the end. Is he a cannabinol?
I am going to be eaten alive.

He reached out to me and puts his dirty sweaty hand over my mouth I tried to bite his hand, he doesn't even flinch. He pushed me up against a wall holding my head to the side exposing the right side of my neck. I tried to scream it isn't working.

He goes into bite. I feel like I am being stabbed by little burning knives. He pulls away and takes his hand from my mouth. I collapse. There is blood running from my neck all I can feel is a biting sensation like my body is on fire. Like when the water in the shower is so hot all you feel is cold. My finger tips and toes are tingling I look up at my attacker his eyes seem to glow red blood was on his face, my blood was on his face. He smirked as he strode out the door.

I heard the lock side back into place and his foot steps slowly fade and he strides down the hall. Once again everything is dead silent. The searing pain that was once only localised on my neck was spreading all over my body, I wanted to scream out but I knew it wasn't any use. Tears started to fall from my eyes, even they were hot. My clothes stuck to my skin as the sweat gathered all over me. I swear this would be the end of me. This is never going to end.

A small puddle of blood now sat on the floor the only break to this world of grey. My vision red and by body blistered from the heat. I didn't know what to do. Will this end, if so how long will it take? How long can I carry on living like this?

I swear to everyone and everyone if I ever get the chance I am going to end this monster. I promise you.

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