Chapter XIII

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Unedited ***

Jaslyn's POV:

The morning was chilly, once again frost has gathered on the window panes, but this time I was in a huge, soft, warm bed. Remembering the night before. Jayce has kindly lent me his bed. As my vision came to I stretched, my arms went above my head as far as they would go. My back cracks as I kind of curl up. The whole time I had been holding my breath. I breathed heavily through my nose. I seem to feel dizzy maybe I was just lacking oxygen, I would be fine in a few minutes.

I sat up still feeling poorly. Jayce's feet could be seen hanging off the end of the couch. Instantly I felt horrible. How could I be so selfish? I should have slept on the couch, he doesn't even fit on it!

Not really knowing what else to do I get to my feet and head into the ensuite. After opening the cupboards I found unused white fluffy towels, I grabbed two out and placed one on the sink bench next to the shower and the other one over the shower glass on the opposite side to the shower head. I turned on the hot water and steam filled the room.


Jayce's POV:

I could feel small droplets of sweat fall from my forehead as if I was in a sauna. I wiped my brow with the back of my hand and looked over the back of the couch to hopefully see my beautiful and beloved mate.

The bed was empty! My heart was pounding in my chest. My instant thought was one of the worst, what if she ran away, but then my mind crept into even darker waters, maybe she was kidnapped, all the windows were closed tightly and locked from the inside. If kidnapping was the case how could she have been kidnapped, after all my pack land is one of the few most respected, the most feared and definitely the most protected packs there currently are throughout the whole world of supernaturals.

It was only then that I noticed a small amount of steam covering the ceiling, the bathroom light is on and steam is steadily flowing through the small gap under the door. The steam rose to the ceiling with ease.

Man, with that amount of steam she must have been in there for ages. I chuckle at that thought and steadily rise to my feet and make my way over to the bathroom door.

I knock. No answer, maybe she didn't hear me so I knock again. Again no answer. The water was running still and I hadn't heard any movement. My wolf seemed anxious like something was wrong. I try the door handle but it is locked too. Why did anyone ever put a lock on this door. Stupid place for a lock in my room. Pfft. I knock again, louder this time. Still no answer. I don't know if I was getting angry or scared or even both. I pound on the door, there must be something wrong, not even a ninety-five-year-old grandmother wouldn't be able to hear this.

Finally, I hear the door hinges begin to concave under the sheer force of my fists being constantly hit at the door. The door breaks down and falls to the floor. I waste no time in entering the room to see my mate.

She is lying there, shaking, in the bottom of the shower, completely naked. A strange urge to just take her then and there arose in me. My wolf is loving the sight but is instantly pulled back into reality by the horrid sound of my mate somewhat suffocating. I kneel down to her, water had pooled in her mouth, the skin on her face going a greyish blue.

I scream out for help as I pull Jaslyn out from the water, trying to get the water out from her mouth. Her skin almost hurt to touch it was so hot. The transformation had begun but that wasn't the only issue now. My mate was drowning and I need to get a medic here now.

I scream out again, this time one of the house guards run in, I cover my mate's body with my own as the omega enters the room. "Ged the Doc NOW!" I roar. The omega quickly nods and sprints off down the halls to get Doc.

I hear footsteps come closer and closer. Three people enter the room, the Doc, Greta and the omega guard. Doc rushes forward and roles Jaslyn onto her side, seeming to not care about the fact she wasn't dressed. I couldn't help but growl, she was mine, even if she didn't know it or understand it yet, but make no mistake she is mine.

Doc dismisses my warning growls as he started to perform a medical procedure on Jaslyn. Water started to come out of her mouth, it ran down the side of her face. A small amount of hope sat in my chest but worry and doubt were still swelling in the pit of my stomach.

With her skin still blueish but with a lot of water out of her body Doc motions to the towel. I grab it and wrap it around my limp mate. If we get through this I hope that I never, ever have to hold my mate like this again, with her so lifeless. As I am holding her I put my index finger on the glan area in her neck. A faint thumping sent sparks of relief through me. 

With Jaslyn still wrapped in a towel, I carry her down to the infirmary on the first floor and lay her in one of the vacant beds, pulling the curtain around the bed closed. Greta starts to carefully insert various needles into my mate, some attached to bags of liquids and some with just a type of medication to help her. Doc brings over large pouches of frozen water and places them all over Jaslyn to help her body temperature down.

"Alpha Jayce, something isn't right with her, the transformation isn't taking place like it should have, it is coming on too fast," Doc said. His expression was neutral.

"Have you seen this before?" I questioned.


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