Chapter VI

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Unedited ***
Jaslyn's POV:
The pain never stopped, I don't know how many days have passed but I haven't see any sign of life. I would be starting to think it was all a dream if I didn't have this burning sensation all through my body.
Out of all the things I could of hoped for I think that right now the one thing I would kill for would be a shower. I was sweaty and dirt stuck to my skin like it was sticky tape. It was horrible.
Would anyone ever come and save me?

Jayce's POV:
For days I have been sick to the stomach with worry, and the worst part was I didn't even know why.

Not even a week ago I had found my one and only, my forever, my mate. She seemed so sweet, the way she served me and spoke, how she worked with such ease behind the bar serving her customers with the most amazing smile.

Since that night I haven't been able to find her. I have search all over town, I have no idea where she lived or anything, I wasn't even from around here. I was completely lost.

I have had my men out  looking for her since I saw her that night at the Rouge that whole place wreaked of vampires, I had only gone in there to suss things out, little to know I was going to find my mate.

When I first laid eyes on her, I freaked out because all I could smell was the mouldy stench of death and blood; vampires, I had through that she too was one. She wasn't.

As human as they come she stood there perfect behind the bar. I recall standing there, she looked at me, a sparkle in her eyes. She was beautiful.

But there was another wolf. A rival pack. He smelled of anger it only took one look to start a brawl. I still haven't been able to find out what pack he was a part of or even the location of any local packs. Strange that.

We caught her sent Alpha Colton

One of my pack members; Austin, one of the best trackers out pack has have been out day and night searching for my mate. What good news this was.

Without a second though I ran from the hotel that we were staying at, quite a grand looking place if I don't say so myself.

Swiftly I morphed into my wolf. My wolf was huge and masculine, about the size of a Gypsy Pony. He was fully black his eyes blood red colours. He had a scar running from his left ear down across his eye and reached is upper cheek.

We ran along the side of the road, shrouded by the shadow of the trees lining the street. We only ran for a short time each stride was huge as we speed through the weaving streets of Newcastle.

I finally reached Austin. He was kneeling on the ground. He ran his finger along the pavement. I morphed back into my human self and one of my other pack members gave me a pair of shorts and a shirt.

"Austin, what have you found." I asked. Austin looked up at me.

"Her scent lead us here but it just stops the only other thing we could find were this cloth and a few drops of blood, but it isn't her blood, another wolfs blood." He finished by handing me the cloth.

Not knowing what was on it I held it a distance from my face and took in the scent. Chloroform. Some one must is taken her. But why? The only thing that I could think of would be because she was my mate but that doesn't make sense because how could anyone even know that she was mine? I only just found out.

That evening I assembled the best hunters and a few of the best and well trained fighters, we had no idea what we were up against or if we were even up against anything. My Beta Christian stayed to keep order within the small proportion of the pack that had come on my travels with me.

Our group consisted of myself, Christian my beta, Greta Christian's mate and one of your pack doctors, the hunters, Austin, Tommy, Liam and Declan and the fighters, Jack, Ian and Dylan. A few of my men's mates had come and had brought their pups.

Christian stayed to keep an eye on them. Our rescue group set off into the night to find my already beloved mate.

The night was bitter cold even though as werewolves our bodies were already above the average temperature. Tommy had found tire tracks that only slightly smelt of the blood we had found with the chloroform cloth.

We followed the tracks, they weaved through dense forest land, on and on we went some in wolf form, some running along side the wolves. The moon traced across the sky as we traveled across the land. The night seemed to go on forever.

Finally the tracks came to a holt, there was a army green coloured jeep parked in the middle of this clearing we were all standing in. The hunters observed the ground and the car looking for signs of life and even a trail that would lead us to my mate.

There were two sets of foot prints visible on the ground leading into the dense forest followed by a big line made in the dirt.

"It looks as if they have dragged someone here" Liam pointed out

"I agree" Austin says starting to follow the tracks which lead into the forest.

There wasn't much room and no one could see more than a yard in front of them as the trees were so close together and there was a thick fog covering the ground like a blanket. It was quick humid making us all very sticky and sweaty but we soldiered on through the night.

The tracked seemed to go on forever. The night was no longer young we couldn't continued to search.

Finally we came to lights only just visible through the trees there was a small wooden hut the tracks lead straight up to the door. The place generally seemed pretty harmless but there was a feeling deep down in my stomach telling me danger.

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