Chapter XVI

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Unedited ***
Jaslyn's POV:

Things were going good. I had almost completely recovered from my mysterious illness according to Doc and Greta. I have been feeling great since the moment I woke up.

Although... things have been strange. Everything is so loud all the time, it gets so bad my head will throb. At night when I am fast asleep I have the strangest dreams... always different but in a way the same. I see this pure white wolf with the most stunning electric blue eyes emerge from a forest front. She walks out towards me her ears twitching and turning as she tunes into the surrounding noises. Then after that it always changes, she will speak but her mouth doesn't move. It is the strangest thing.

The warm steam was rising up around me as the comforting water ran over my naked body. I had a towel close by hanging on the glass pane of the shower so that I could reach it quickly if need be. Jayce had removed the lock from the door for what he says is his own sanity. I don't know what happened earlier this week but it had really shaken Jayce.

I turned off the taps and wrapped my white fluffy towel around me. After I had gotten out of the infirmary Jayce had insisted that I stayed in his room. I didn't have much in the way of clothes but the girls had lent me a few bits and pieces but I mostly wore anything that I found in Jayce's wardrobe. I don't mind, I actually prefer wearing his clothes, it makes me feel secure.

I walk out into the bed room with little more then underwear and an oversized white on. Jayce looked as if he had been waiting for me.

"I'm sorry, did I take to long?" I said in a sarcastic manner. He smirked and replied.

"Yes, far to long there is almost no water left in the lake" we both chuckled.

"Now, what were you really waiting for" after all Jayce had told me time and time again he didn't care about things like how long I took in the shower.

"I want to take you somewhere today, I want to teach you some things. I know you are experiencing changes, like maybe hearing or even connections with your wolf" he exclaimed.

"You mean like dreams?" I walked over to sit next to him as I patted my wet hair down with my towel.

"Yeah, connections can be dreams." He smiled, "come on, get ready so that we can go" and with that he got to feet and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me so that I could get dressed in private.

I didn't realise how beautiful his land was. The trees were the most greenest of greens and the various bodies of water that were scattered all across Jayce's land were crystal clear blue. It was like a dream; a paradise.

We walked through winding trees for a small while, making small talk as we went.

We arrived at a clearing, the grass was lush and long, the space was almost a perfect circle. You can hear the birds singing in the trees.

Jayce stopped in the middle of the clearing and motioned for me to come closer to him. I walked up to him, Jayce put his hands around the back of my waist and pulled me close so that I could feel his heart beating against my chest.

He leaned over, his mouth close to my ear. "Do you trust me?" He questioned. To be completely honest I didn't know. I mean he had saved my life not only once but on countless occasions within the less than two weeks that I have known him.

"Yes?" I kind of answered and questioned at the same time. He smiled down at me.

"You need to if we are going to get through the next few hours." I was confused. I wish he would explain. "We are going to get you to shift into your wolf. Doc and Greta are on call if anything goes wrong so there is nothing to worry about."

"I don't even know how to Jayce" I said, I felt kind of scared.

"It is okay baby girl. I'm going to teach you and I'm going to be there every step of the way so there is no need for you to be worried or scared. I'm here for you princess." He hugged me tight and gave me a small peck on the forehead.

"Okay... so how do I do this." I questioned.

"Everyone has a different way when they first start out. Sometimes its anger, pain or sometimes its when your really scared. We just need to find what it is for you." He said "but first we need to get you starting the change."

He looked at me. "Think about the dreams, think about what you saw, about what you heard. Try to connect with your wolf." He reached out for my hand. I started thinking about the dreams I have been experiencing over the past few nights.

Before I knew it I would feel a searing pain in my back and legs. My eyes teared up. "What is happening, why does it hurt so much." I almost screamed.

"That is your way; pain. When I first shifted mine was anger. I felt a little bit of pain but not much, clearly not as much as you are... here wolf my hand. Squeeze it as tight as you can. It will take some of the pain away maybe." I grasped his hand in mine and with his other hand he placed it on my back for support as he sat me on the ground.

"Don't try and fight it Jas, just let it happen." He said.

Next thing that I heard was the sound of something solid cracking. I looked down at my arms and legs as pure white tufts of hair started to appear.

I closed my eyes just for a second, when I opened them I wasn't me anymore. I wasn't in control. I looked down and I had the body or a pure white wolf.

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