15. The Accident

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       Rhea and I have started dating to get to know each other and to take the awkwardness off our relationship. After all, we are a married couple. Because we only have a month before the twins arrive, we go to dates everyday and learn new things about each other. I learned that Rhea would like to practice nursing here in the States. I did forgot that she was working as a nurse before she moved here with me.

"Rhea, why would you want to work? I am earning enough for us." I informed her.

"I know that. I just want to work as a nurse again. I love being a nurse." I told him.

Caleb just sigh and said, "Fine. If that what you really want and will make you happy."

I look at him and gave him a hug and a peck on his lips. He just stared at me and stand there like a stone, so I started walking off. "Just a peck?" he asked me, "Rhea come back here and give me a proper kiss." he said while continuing on following me. When I saw him getting near. I started running off and he dash at me when he realize that I am running away from him. After a few minutes, he was able to catch me and swept me off my feet - literally. "You can't run away anymore. Now, give me a proper kiss." he told me while he got that smirk on his face. He put me down and encircle his arms on my waist so I won't be able to run. I leaned forward to give him another peck but he held the back of my neck before I could pull away and deepened the kiss. OMG! My husband is a great kisser and I am now realizing that I have missed all of these this  past months. D*mn!

Just then my husband phone started ringing. He groaned while are lips are kissing and let go.
"Really?! Now that things are going well." he said to his phone. He looked at me then and said "Don't go anywhere." and answer his phone. As if I could go anywhere, his right arm is still snaked around my waist.

"Hello. Caleb here. How can I help?" I asked the person on the other line with annoyance on my voiced.

"Caleb, Camille here. I need your help. Dad had an heart attack and I am at the St Luke's Hospital. Please Caleb hurry!" Camille said crying.

"You should go." Rhea told me. I just look at her and about to say something when she interject with; "Rupert has been nice to you and me even though everything about us was a surprise to him. He needs you now more than anything and he treats you like his child. The apartment is just a few block from here. I can catch a cab while you drive over to the hospital and make sure he is alright."

"Alright, I will go but I will drop you off our apartment first." Caleb said


After dropping off Rhea at our place. I started driving towards the hospital when my phone rang with Rupert's name on it - which is a bit weird but I still answered it via the Bluetooth connected to my car.

"Rupert, how are you doing? what did the doctor's say about you?" I started firing questions to him. The car was stopped because I am at the stop light and it is red at the moment.

"Huh? Why would you ask about my doctor's?" He asked me back.

"Camille rang me and told me that you had an heart attack and admitted in the hospital." I told him. The light changed back to green and the cars in front of me started moving again and so did I.

"What?! That child--" is all I heard before I heard this loud bang and felt my body is being forced on to one side. I only then realized that a car hit my car so hard that my car started spinning off the street and the driver seat (where I am in) hit the stop light post on the other side of the street. I feel disorientated and pain, and I am sure that I am pinned inside the car. The last though I had was Rhea and the twins before I passed out.

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