7.His Place. Our Place.

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We have landed in New York friday night. Caleb and I said good bye to Nik already and now driving to Caleb's place, and when I say his place it means a Penthouse on one of Theakis residential building.

"Welcome home, agape mou." Caleb said.

"Thank you." I replied. I can barely stand and keep my eyes open even though all I did in the plane is sleep.

"I'll show you our room."

"What do you mean our room? I want my own room and my own bed." I firmly told him.

"We are a married couple. Which means we share everything. We can even share a bath if you want to." He said teasing me.

"Hmp! As if I will share a bath with you." She said.

"Never say never. Now, let go to our room so that you and our baby can sleep." I led her to our bedroom. When we got inside she just got in the bed straight away without changing clothes, not even a 'good night husband'.

"Rhea, you need to change on you sleeping clothes. Sleeping with jeans on will be uncomfortable for you and our baby." I told her. She did not even flinch. So, I had to softly shake her to wake up. Then she did the unexpected and just took off her jeans and went back to bed under cover with just her oversize shirt on.

"Well, this is interesting. Is she always like this when tired? No talking back? Just doing what I asked her to do. Maybe I should just make her tired more if she is always like this." I thought to myself.

I took my clothes off, leaving just my boxer on even though I normally sleep naked. Better safe than sorry for tomorrow.


The next day....

"Hmmmm" I opened my eyes. I feel really rested. I was about to move when I felt that there is this comfortable weight pinning me down in bed. I look down my waist and legs and there it is (and my oh my, he is naked except for that boxer), my husband's arms and legs are on me.

He look very comfortable and cute while sleeping. I thought to myself. I really need to pee though but everytime I try to leave, he just pulls me back even more in his arms. I was about to surrender in his arms when the baby let itself know to me. and what other way to do it but to be nauseated. So, I threw Caleb's arm off me and run to the nearest door I could find, and thank fully it is the toilet and I just started vomitting my dinner out from last night. That was a good dinner too.

"Are you alright, Agape mou?" Caleb asked me.

I was going to retort back at him when the nausea hit again and the toilet bowl became my bestfriend on my first day at his house. Great! Just Great!

I felt a cold wet cloth on my face after I finish getting to know the toilet. Caleb's wipping my face off any trace of sweat and vomits.

"Thank you" I smiled weakly at him.

Caleb suddenly lifted me up on his arms and walk to the living room where he's got a sofa bed and deposited me on it laying. He even put a pillow underneath my head. OMG!!!!

"Rest. Sleep. Do nothing. I will asked Agatha for breakfast." He commanded.


I met Agatha when she brought breakfast in the living room for me. She have this motherly smile on her face when she approached me. She brought me full blown breakfast. I just hope I can keep it in. She did not ask anything about me and Caleb at all.

Lunch is approaching and I haven't seen Caleb since he laid me down the sofa.

"Agatha, do you know where is Caleb?" I ask politely.

"Oh dear, he said he is dropping by at the office to check on some stuff, make sure everything is on the right track because he's been away for almost a week." She blurted out. "He should be back soon."

As if he's good a third sense. Caleb walked in the door with a serious and tense face.

"Caleb, are you alright? Is everything alright at the office?" I ask him.

"Yes. Everything is fine and on track. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, when you came in you have this serious tense face and stature that I thought something happened."

"Something actually happened. My parents just called this morning and find out about you. Which is weird because I know that Nik would have not said anything. Someone might have seen us last night."

What he said just made me nervous. "What did they say? What did you say?" I asked him nervously.

"My parents asked who you are and why was I with you and bringing you at my place? I have never brought anybody here before and my parents knows that, except family members." He told me, then he continued with, "I told them the truth about Vegas, our mariage and our baby." He said calmly like it is normal.

"You what!?"

"You have the same reaction as my parents had." He said.

Ha! No sh*t sherlock. My husband just don't know how to ease it down slowly. I thought to myself.

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