4. We met again

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Rhea's POV:

It's been a month since I found out that I am pregnant. I could not believe it at first until I heard his/her heartbeat when the doctor did an ultrasound. Now, what do I do? I don't even know his full name. I only know him as Caleb. I left the marriage certificate in the room that we spend the night together that Elvis sign and gave us after our wedding.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Who could it be?, I thought to myself. I opened the door and I can see two men in business suit. Though I cannot see the face of the other man.

Caleb's POV:

"This is it.", I thought to myself. "The moment of truth has come for me to meet my wife again."

Nikolas knock on her door 3 times before the door open revealing a beautiful woman. She's got the most beautiful green emerald eyes, red pouty lips that I would like to kiss and savour, and an innocent face that I would like to protect.

"Hi, How can I help you?" she asked Nikolas. I don't think she have seen me yet.

Before Nikolas said something, I revealed myself to her.

"We meet again my wife." I said to her. Then she did the unexpected and fainted. Good thing I catched her before she hit the floor. I carried her in side with Nikolas behind me. I deposited her in the sofa carefully. She look really pale for my liking and I don't think that is normal.

"Rhea, how was your appointment with the doctor earlier?" said a woman who step inside the house. She stopped when she saw us. She then look at Rhea who is pass out in the sofa. Her face became red with anger and said " What did you two brute did to my friend?" "Who are you two? I have never seen you both before?" She then suddenly grab the vase next to her to throw at us but Nikolas intercept her with the words:

"His name is Caleb Theakis.." pointing at Rhea, " her husband".

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