Chapter 8

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They start with some voice-over thing about running free and living strong and loving wild... or something like that. Honestly, I'm not listening to anything but the sound of their accents. Because Aussie accents are just freaking awesome.

"But love, Denver, love will always remain."

Sure it will.

The first song seems to be about basically the same thing. Except it's "Run Wild, Live Free, Love Strong". Like I care, but anyway.

They flow into some more, but I mostly just enjoy the sound of the music and their accents as they sing. Because what words I pick up are way too redemption-themed. That word should never have been created, because it isn't possible. And all this stuff about dreamers, the "young at heart", whatever that's supposed to mean, and "it's not over yet" all point to a lie. But they still make good music.

And from my second-row position, I honestly do have a really good view of how much fun they seem to be having up there. Not just fun, though. They're just so passionate about their music. It's kinda cool to see, I have to admit.

Finally, they stop, and Normal Hair starts talking.

"Now, if you've been with the band for a while, you may be familiar with something we call the Priceless Movement."

The entire crowd screams. So apparently I'm the only one who isn't familiar with it. I don't even care.

"Yes," he says with a smile, "and that starts with telling all of the ladies out there, young and old, hey, don't let any man disrespect you in relationships. Don't ever settle for second-best."

They scream again.

I don't honestly see why. Why would I deserve anything more than second-best? I'd be lucky to get second-best. Whatever. They can keep living in Neverland if they feel like it.

"Now, ladies, you have been taught a lie," he continues.

Like the one I can feel you preparing to feed us?

"You've been taught to dress, and act, and think like you are cheap. But we don't believe that. We believe that there is a God in Heaven that says you are priceless."

Priceless. That's just... hilarious. I think he's confusing the meanings of priceless and worthless.

More screaming. Because apparently they believe this junk.

This junk that's making me feel like I'm about to cry.

Why? What is freaking wrong with me? Why am I so stupid tonight? Why can't I just ****** get a grip?

"We wear these necklaces..." He pulls his from around his neck to display. "That are a framed Australian two-cent coin, as sort-of a nod to our homeland..."

More yelling. I do like Australia.

"But they are to remind us... men and women... that every woman is worth more than all the money in the world."

He pulls back his sleeve to reveal a white-lettered black wristband.

"We also wear these bracelets, that say respect and honor, because that is how ladies should be treated."

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