Chapter 3

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Capital City

Midnight Steel(Gajeel) P.O.V

That damn woman. When she said training at the beach, I expected some fun and relax, but not intense training. Heck! Training was hell its self. At least we got more magic power now that we unlock our second origin. Also, that we learned new spells for our magic.

I learned some new spells about Iron Dragon Slayer magic, Lily he now could stay in his warrior form for an hour. Wendy also learned new spells and can heal others for an hour without passing out, Carla can now see our past and can also be human for an hour. Yukino can summon more than two of those spirit freaks without her keys and fainting, and improved in her Star Dragon Slayer magic.

Same with Bunny girl, she even got stronger with her Celestial Dragon Slayer magic and learned some star magic, and lastly her cat, Storm, he also got stronger in his ice dragon slayer magic can stay in his human form for three hours even with using magic and also learned ice maker magic like that stripper form Fa- never mind I don't have time to think about them, now we have a guild for ourselves.

Right now we are at a train going to Crocus, Fiore's capital city. We have our masks and hooded capes on since Master Bunny Girl (geehee) doesn't want anyone figures who we are. So right now I'm not Gajeel Redfox, I'm Midnight Steel. Wendy Marvell to Skylar, Yukino Aguria to Stellar, Lucy Heartfilia to Celeste and Storm to Frost. Hope you're already Fairy Tail, Sabertooth. Because we are not going easy on you.

Celeste's(Lucy) P.O.V

Finally, I'm out of that death trap. Yes that's right I get motion sickness but it's not bad. I just get dizzy, same with Yukino and Storm when he's in his human form which he is right now. "Loven' the fresh air here", Frost said extending his hands like he is gonna hug the air.

"Alright first let's check in on our hotel which is 'Dragon's Fang', not bad. It fits our guild. Okay then, now let's go". We then walked to our inn. Gotta say, even if we are sharing the same room, it's really nice. We have a balcony that has a perfect view of the city, five queen beds, five closets for our clothes, a big bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room.

Since I finished packing my stuff away first then everyone and that we are here now I changed to a white shirt, black skirt with a golden trim, a brown belt to hold my spirit keys, and my whip that I still carry and some brown boots. Also, not to forget my golden mask and hooded cape.

Once I got out everyone was ready with their mask and their capes. And Storm and Carla were already in their human forms with also their mask and capes. "Okay guys, since we have time. You can all go to hang out around the city and to make sure to come back before midnight, got that".

"Hai". When we left the inn, Wendy and Carla went to go explore the royal garden, Gajeel went with Lily to go eat I guess. Yukino went who knows where. So now it's only Storm and I, so we went window shopping.

"Hey Celeste, do we have to wear the hood. It's getting hot in here", Storm complained again for the second time. Sign "Sure Frost, we got the mask on so it's okay to take off our hoods, I said as we took them off. I could tell he felt much better just by the way he looks. Which made me giggle.

I then saw some flower crowns and necklaces, so I bought some. When he wasn't looking I put them on him and some on me. "Oh Frost, you look so kawaii like that", I squealed. Which he puffed out his checks. I giggled again. I then caught a smell which was ash and cinnamon. And I only know one person that smells like that.

Salamander. So Fairy Tail is joining the games. We are so not going easy on them. I'm guessing the team is Salamander, his girlfriend, Titania, Gray, and Mira. Okay the only ones I'm going easy on is Gray and Mira if I get to fight them. They were there for us when we needed them the most. I need to stop thinking about them. So I focused on Storm. I hope the rest are doing okay.

With Fairy Tail
Natsu's P.O.V

Damn that stupid Ice Princess is still mad at me for what I did to Lucy. I then got a scent of lavender and vanilla. It smelled so good. I looked around for the source and my eyes landed on a blonde haired woman, wearing a golden mask and cape.

I got to say even is she has that on she still looks pretty. WAIT STOP NATSU YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT. And with all of those curves. YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! SO MUCH FOR STOPING. Jeez I'm a huge baka.

Then I heard her giggle. It sounded familiar yet different. So I looked at her again. I noticed that she has a guild mark on her. So much for thinking I can ask her to join Fairy Tail. The mark was a key with a dragon. I think they said it was a new powerful guild. What's it called again. Keys. No. Dragons. No. Keys Dragon. Doesn't even make sense. Oh yeah I remember. Dragon Keys.

She then smiled at the guy next to her. He had midnight blue hair, sapphire blue eyes, a blue mask and cape, and he smelled like chocolate and mint. I then got interrupted on my thoughts by my girlfriend. Lissana. "C'mon Natsu, Happy, let's go exploring". "Alright let's go", I said running off with Happ's in my tail.

"Do you know which inn were staying at", the scarlet haired demon yelled at us. "Honey Bone!", Lis replied. We were enjoying our time until I heard someone yell fight which made be fired up and run to where I heard it. Since I couldn't get though, I crawled under everyone's foot.

That's when I got those two smells again but there was another one, candy and strawberry's. "What do you want with us Saber's", the guy in the guild Dragon Keys said to a blonde guy. "Oh come on can't I just pick out a fight with three Dragon's", the blonde said pointing to the blue, gold, and silver hooded figures.

"Why you-". "Calm down Frost(Storm). And now you Sting-bee, knock it off because then your guild will be disqualified, now. Frost, Stellar(Yukino). Let's go back to our inn, probably Skylar (Wendy), Future (Carla), Midnight (Gajeel) and Warrior (Lily) are there already. Alright bye Sting-bee, Ryos. See ya at the games".

She then turned to us and glared at us and said "Hope your ready Salamander". Then walked away with her teammates, leaving me behind confused on what she meant by that, with my teammates and the blonde with an emo looking guy. We argued for a while until we remembered about the red haired demon.

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