Chapter Twenty Three

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March 9, 2015

Candace Clearwater was pacing in her cell. She couldn't understand why she was in a cell at all. They brought her food, water, let her shower, etc. But no one ever explained why she had been taken so suddenly from basic training and brought to this odd jail/prison cell. They had let her out twice to do some practice shooting, but that had been it. Maybe there was something wrong with the medical testing she had done. Maybe they thought she was a threat to America. It was laughable, really. She loved America too much and wanted to be a soldier since she was a little girl. However, she got pregnant at eighteen and waited a year after Lily's birth to join.

It made her worry even more to be away from her daughter. Lily was a beautiful, sweet baby with an infectious laugh, big blue eyes, and red, curly hair. It was too easy to love her. Candace left Lily with her mom while she went through basic training. It hadn't been easy, but she knew that protecting her daughter's future was more important.

Candace's thoughts were interrupted when one of the guards opened her cell door. With him were two men. One was very large with a serious demeanor, which she guessed he was in charge. The other man was tall, handsome, in a George Clooney kind of way, smiling brightly at her. One the cell was shut, the serious man spoke.

"I'm sorry for this confusion. You probably think you're in trouble, being trapped in this cell here. I assure you that isn't the case," The man smiled, but it didn't crack his fierce looking face. "My name is General Magnus Cain, I'm in charge here at this facility. You've been chosen specifically for an extremely important mission."

"What kind of mission, sir?" Candace asked.

"Well, as you know America is the greatest country in the world, but, there are always new ways to make it even better. This facility and program here are designed to make new weapons and enhancers to make our soldiers better than ever."

"Enhancers? Like steroids?" she asked skeptically.

"Oh no, those are only used by the weak! My colleague can explain a bit more."

"Hello, Candace, my name is Doctor Larry Rumsfield." He outstretched his hand, smiling kindly. She shook it, feeling a little nervous by the man's looks and the charm that seemed to ooze out of his pores. "I'm a bit of a science nerd, so to speak, so bear with me. I've helped create a few new drugs to help soldiers like yourself. One of them will help to completely wipe out fear in the battlefield."

"I'm sorry, but that seems impossible."

"Oh, it's very possible! We'd like you to be a candidate to test this drug. I promise you by the end of the trial, you will be the perfect fearless soldier," Larry said proudly.

"Is this something I have a choice on?" she asked curiously.

"No, it's a mission, soldier. You are obligated to accept," Magnus replied sternly.

"Then, sir, I will be happy to accept this mission. When do we start?" Candace asked, saluting Magnus. It seemed utterly ridiculous to her, but it was her job to follow orders.

"Excellent! We will be back to get you in two hours' time," Larry exclaimed.

"Until then, your lunch will be served after we leave. Also, we are bringing you a television. Please, watch it," Magnus said.

Candace nodded and the men left. Her food tray and TV were brought in soon after. She was glad to have a little entertainment actually. As she ate, she found The Price is Right. She had loved that show as a kid, reminiscing watching it with her mom. It was a nice moment to enjoy after being almost completely alone for over a week. She couldn't be sure of the time, with no clock and no windows to gauge the sun's location.

As soon as Candace was finished with her tray, the TV channel went to static. She thought it was an odd coincidence but maybe it had been just that. She walked towards the TV when Larry's face came on the TV. Candace nearly fell over in surprise. So, the TV wasn't just for entertainment. She should have known better.

"Hello, I'm trying a new method. You have entered Phase One of testing. Please state your name out loud."

"Candace Clearwater."

"Thank you, Candace. For this test, the first action I need you to do is get a drink from the water fountain in your room," Larry ordered. The fountain was connected to the toilet, as it was in most prisons. Candace followed the order and returned to the TV, feeling like a fool.

"Thank you, Candace. Please tell me how you are feeling at this moment."

"Honestly, sir, I feel a bit foolish. What was the water for?"

"To relax you. Water revitalizes the system, you know," Larry smiled.

"Of course, sir," Candace forced a smile.

"I will be at your cell in an hour. If your mood changes, for the positive or negative, please turn the TV back on. Otherwise, please leave it off now."

"I can do that, sir."

"Thank you. Please, turn off the TV now," Larry stated.

Candace took a few steps toward the TV, but that was as far as she made it. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, a foamy liquid forming in the corners of her mouth. "Sir?" she slurred as she fell slowly to the ground. Her head smashed hard into the concrete floor.

Larry's eyes widened in horror as he watched her fall. He ran from his office towards the cells, his legs pumping as fast as they could. 33X was having its first real side effect; the girl might not survive. Larry dialed his phone as he ran toward the holding area.

"We have a possible Code Blue in cell A3!" That was all Larry said, still rushing briskly to the holding area, not even replacing his phone in his pocket. He reached cell A3, unlocked in, and found her unconscious, blood spilling around her red hair. For a small moment, the intertwining reds were beautiful, and he got lost in the mix of colors. Then he remembered his career, and possible life, were at stake if she didn't survive. He was already in enough trouble after the incident with Zacchya.

Larry reached down and felt for a pulse. None. He started CPR, wondering what had gone wrong. She was a perfect candidate, passing all of his mental and psychological tests before even being brought to The Program. How could this have happened? Before long, the cell was filled with soldiers and scientists ready to help Larry. But it was too late. Candace Clearwater was dead. The first casualty of 33X.

Larry left the cell with his head low, his hands covered in the young girl's blood. He couldn't understand what had gone wrong. She would need a complete autopsy. Something in her body mixed with 33X causing severe side effects. He would find out what it was and make sure it never happened again. That was, unless someone had tampered with her sample before she received it in her tray, or through the water fountain. But it was impossible. No one could have the capabilities to tamper with the sample.

"Impossible," Larry said to himself as he washed the blood from his hands. "Impossible."

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