Controlling the tongue:
The tongue is a great endowment of Allah which was created to be used in praising and thanking Him for which one earns reward.
Allah, the Exalted says:”Have we not made for him two eyes, And a tongue and two lips?”(90:8-9-). So, Whoever wishes to speak should reflect before saying anything. If any benefit is found, then let him speak. Otherwise, let him remain silent.”
Dear muslimahs the tongue has either power of good or bad. Allah has ordained us not to belittle the value of his words, and not utter words of no use or have no control over our speech or our ability to foresee the repercussions of his saying.
Allah, the Exalted, says:”Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).”(50:18). Allah has praised the believers who refrain from vain pursuits (curiosity), gossip and backbiting. In His divine revelation, Allah says:” and those who avoid vain talks”(23:3).
It takes few words to build, love each other and strengthen unity. It also takes a few words to destroy relationships.
On the day of qiyama we will all account for what ever we had said to either build or destroy relationship. The power of speech has the ability to wreak havoc upon entire communities. Therefore be careful what you talk its not necessary to blabber all the time you never know where it will lead you to.
For those talkatives you can avoid all of it by doing dhikr and talking to Allah.By that the tongue will bear witness infront of Allah(sw).Hence unnecessary talks will be avoided that will bring nothing but havoc.
So, whoever wishes to speak should reflect before saying anything. If any benefit is found, then let him speak. Otherwise, let him remain silent.
It has been narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) was asked:”O Messenger of Allah, which of the Muslims is best?” and he said’”He who the Muslims are safe from his tonįgue and his hand.”
Islam reminds us that the tongue is like a loaded weapon: the safety latch should always be on.
Dear muslimahs put on your latch and be the best InshaAllah!😍
Javerya's pov;
Two months later:
Dad's demise became an epoch in my life.For the last two months I have avoided everyone like plague.Wounds still unhealed I dare not socialise.
My siblings kept on pestering me to turn to Allah but their pleas fell on deaf ears.How can I do that when he never listened to my prayers is what I kept telling myself and them.
In these past two months,whenever I tried to get back on my deen it was like some negative force had its spell casted over me that i was unable to move on.
In the balcony I sat trying to reflect on my life.Emotions swirled in tumultous fashion in my heart.Forgetting all sense of time I stared at the sky.Dark stillness hushed night it was with the stars twinkling above..
Wrenching my eyes away from the dark sky,my thoughts stuck on Naseem its been two months since we last talked.
All my fault I know because like everyone else I shut her off.Several times she tried talking to me but I never gave her a chance.
Hope In The Mercy Of Allah
SpiritualLife was never easy for Javerya and being a non-practising muslim never helped.what happens when the dearest person in her life leaves her shattered.Will she be able to bear the people who hid the painful truth of her life even if it was a matter o...