chapter 12(Allah takes only to give you more)

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Talking to non mahram men in islam:

Women are permitted to speak to non-Mahram men if the following conditions are met:

=The speaking is not done with the intention of lust and seeking (sexual) pleasure.

=The woman does not make her voice soft and attractive.

=There is no fear of falling into corruption.

It is Makruh for women to speak to men if it is not necessary.

It is not allowed for a woman to speak to a non-Mahram man with the intention of making him fall into sin; whether she specifies that the reason she is talking to him is to make him fall into sin, or she talks about something that would make the non-Mahram man fall into a sin - such as explaining stimulating and sensual scenes, or explaining about things that would make the non-Mahram man become aroused upon hearing them.

sometimes we as women we get so friendly to a non-Mahram man as if it is her brother. Especially those who are in more contact with non-Mahram men more than others, such as nurses, or those who work in various businesses and companies, in sports and fitness clubs, etc... must be extra cautious when dealing with non-Mahram men.

When speaking to a man, we must not make our voice pleasing and soft, such that if the person with whom we are talking to has a sickness in his heart, he will become attracted , even if we talk to him about a general matter.

It is not a problem to recite Qur'an in front of non-Mahram, even if it is in a pleasing voice, with the condition that it is not arousing nor does it cause corruption.

It is haram to go to or pass by a place, sit or stand beside a non-Mahram in a taxi or bus, with the intention of wanting to make body contact, and thus it must be avoided.

Dear sisters this is what i have been taught and learnt so far plus my research.Recently not many things are agreed upon by all so please by all means do point out what you think is wrong or contradicting and share with me will gladly correct.

Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and efface our bad deeds and take our souls in the company of the righteous (Quran 3:193).


Javerya's pov;
Alhamndullilah is what i uttered repeatedly as i was confined in the four walls of my room.Each and everyday in my life brings me closer to Allah and I regret my past non stop.Today He saved my honour by His means.Regret washed over me like the long sloe waves on a shallow beach.Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down my spine.How late i turned to Him i wish i did that earlier in my life.But nothing stopped me from asking tawbah.

Guilt consumed as i was unable to say thank you to the guy who saved me.His voice still rang in my ears every now and then and there was nothing I could do to lessen my guilt.what do i do i kept asking myself.In all the commotion i dint even get to see the man's face all thanks to sameerah.


The voice made the three drunkards turn to the owner.I opened my eyes to be faced with the culprits backs.

"What man why are you interfeering let us be and go away."one of them who does most of the talking sneered.

Both the three sniggered rumbuctiously as they leered at the man.

The man in question seemed too calm as he had not moved an inch.I continously craned my head to get a glimpse of him but I could not all thank to my stunted growth.All I could see was a white jubbah from the sides and the taqiyyah(islamic cap)on his head

"My dear brothers your intentions are not right i would prefer you let the girl go."his voice was so calm but undoubtedly too cold.

One of them turned back on me.As he approached me I hobbled back and immediately turned to run but he was quick enough to get hold of me.I continously struggled to get free but in vain.

All the chaos and commotion had atrracted a number of spectators around.But no one dared to intervene.

"Let her go!I said."he roared and received a punch from the main guy.

As they took into fighting that is when people intervened and police arrived.

A hand tugged on me I was pulled in a warm embrace.

"Jav are you ok honey I was so worried."sameerah asserted.

Tears coursed down my cheeks as i sobbed on her shoulders thinking of the inevitable that would have happened and thanked Allah continously.

At the thought I remembered the unknown helper as my eyes roamed the crowd but due to all the commotion I was not able to see him or identify.

A gasp from sameerah pulled in my attention.

"You are hurt come on you need first aid."she jeered steering me towards our appartment.

"Sammy its ok its just nail scratch you dont have to worry." I said looking at my bleeding hand.Ya Allah I did not even realise am hurt.

Bile rose up my throat as I cant stand the sight of blood and due to that I silently followed her like the obedient girl I am.

End of flashback;

Ya Allah I was not able to thank your abd(servant)for helping me but whoever he is please accept my duas for him.please help him in his endeavours and honour his honour just like he saved my honour.I heartly prayed out to Him for him.

"Jav we have a class in half an hour whats wrong you are once again lost in your dreamland."sam called out as she sauntered and sat beside me on the bed.

"Jav you dont really have to stick your mind on yesterdays events but thank Allah for helping you out it was meant to happen and it did.Let it not steal your smile and be yourself knowing it was only a test from Allah that you passed through.Always remember,"

Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Mawla (protector)." And in Allah let the believers put their trust.)
Quran (Surah Tawba, Verse 51)
she said pinching my nose and side hugged me as i cringed.

"I know thats what I should be doing JazakiAllah khayran for your kind words am so glad and thankful to Allah for granting me both of you.You know when Naseem left  I never imagined to get another friend in my life but its true that;

"If Allah knows any good in your hearts (any readiness to believe in and surrender to God), He will grant you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you." God is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate (especially towards His servants who return to Him in repentance).

(Quran 8.70)

But sammy i can still feel their nasty hands on me.I feel like scratching my skin off.Why  is it soo common nowadays  with girls going through this today it was me tomorrow it will be somebody else who wont be lucky enough to get through it.I feel disgusted with myself how weak am I to let a non mahram touch me with ill intentions??

Ya Allah plese protect your ummah from all evil doers ya Rabb.

I sent a silent prayer to Him tears stinging  my eyes as sammy rubbed my back soothing me.

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Assalam aleikum dearies hope you are all in good health in sha Allah.

Am so sorry for the delayed update had issues so took time.

Its not gud as i wanted it to be but better than nothin.hope you enjoy it and feel free to correct me.😍

The next update will also take time sorry guys till then Assalam aleikum!!😃

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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