I've Got My Pride

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2 years later.


Everyone was getting older, and getting a lot smarter if I may add. Vincent, my son, was 17 now. And his *cough * girlfriend *cough* Raven, is 16, going on 17.

I had walked in Vincent's room a couple times, at night to check on him, over the last couple of weeks, and I would find his arms wrapped around Raven and they slept under the covers. They had clothes on, thank god. Except Vincent was one of those shirtless sleepers, like me.

I went to wake them up and neither of them were in their rooms. I glanced around up stairs and when I walked down stairs and into the living room , it was everything I could do not to laugh and take pictures. "Wake up and get a room!"


I opened my eyes quickly and blinked a couple times, "Huh!?" I went to roll over on the couch but I remembered that Raven was there. Oh yeah, We had fallen asleep on the couch together, originally I had been laying on the couch and her on top of me, but that was obviously an uncomfortable way to sleep, so we ended up both sleeping facing the back of the couch , I had my arms around her waist and was holding her hand.

I felt Raven move and laughed quietly , "Sorry dad, teenagers need their beauty sleep." I glanced at Raven and made a fake face of disgust, "Some more than others."

I was greeted with a wicked slap to the back of my head. "She's awake!"

"You're an ass." Spoke Raven and Ashley in unison.

I slowly pulled as much hair over my eyes as possible and pulling my hood on. Raven laughed quietly and hugged me.

"Go get dressed for school, you guys are killing me." Ashley sighed, grinning at us before he retreated to the kitchen.

It was about 6 am, an hour later we were walking out the door. I love how Raven and I tend to dress alike and not intentionally.

Today I had my hair out of my eyes, just a bit though, Raven said she likes being able to see my face. I was wearing a solid grey long t-shirt and a pair of faded black and white American flag skinnies, along with my black combat boots and, since it was fucking freezing , my long coat, like the one Sherlock wears on BBC.

Raven , however, had her long hair governing half of her face, she wore a grey hoodie and a black leather jacket over it, under her jacket and hoodie was a grey BMTH shirt, her pants split white and black along with her slightly heeled black boots.

We walked down the street, holding hands. We got a few glances from the other kids but everything was cool, except that one ass from my first day here was still here, and still an ass. Raven and I walked into the building, we kissed quickly before departing to our classes, each on the other side of the school.


The day had been fine for about the first three hours. I passed Vincent in the hall a couple times and we would exchange a quick "Hi" and "Bye"

It wasn't until around 1:30 when the entire school building shook and there were hundreds of screams. All the students rushed into the halls to see what it was. The sight was almost horrific, the very center of the building had fallen to a pile of wreckage. Thankfully none of the classrooms were in that area, just the cafeteria and the empty gym.

I had been running around the crowds , looking for Vincent, my mind in a jumbled mess.

"There he his! He did this, I saw him sneak into the building and leave early this morning. Why else would a student break in before anyone got there!?" It was Josh, yelling. Behind him were a bunch of police officers. They all started walking forward, towards who Josh had been pointing. Then I saw him, it was Vincent they were accusing.


"What?" I spoke aloud, someone behind me shoved me and I was thrown on my knees in front of the police, who cuffed me.

"I didn't do this! what the fuck? Stop!" I yelled and thrashed, but a gun was held to my back and I started nearly having a panic attack, I real one.

Before I could say or do anything, a familiar voice called out, stepping out of the crowd. "It was me, I did it. Vincent had nothing to do with this, I take full responsibility."

My eyes widened and I shot my eyes to her. "Raven, what are you doing!? they're going to put you in jail, stop!"

"It doesn't matter!" She snapped at me. "You didn't do this, you were with me all night. When you fell asleep, I snuck out here and his the bomb."

I stared at her until she looked away apologetically, I knew she was lying. Eventually they uncuffed me and headed for Raven, she didn't even move. But I did. I ran past then and enveloped my Raven in a tight hug, almost making her fall. I didn't feel her let go until her hands were yanked away and cuffed behind her back.

"She didn't do this." I hissed at the officer behind her. "I'm sure she didn't, we will get this all straightened out." He assured.

As Raven was taken away, I zeroed in on Josh. I ran up and punched him square in the face before whiping the blood from my nose off with my sleeve from where I had been shoved earlier. I gave everyone around me a terrifying glare before running back home and slamming the door.

"Son?" Ashley looked at me from the couch but I ignored him and ran up the stairs, slamming my door and locking it behind me, I slid down the wall and covered my face with my hands, crying my eyes out.

"Vincent!? Vincent Callumn Purdy, open this door!"

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