Unite The Lonely

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-Ashley's POV-

It was two months ago that I discovered I had a son, I knew I wanted kids but I thought that I would, you know, actually get to raise my kid and it not assist in felonies... But I do have a kid, and even though I haven't met him yet, I already love him.

Only Andy knows, I haven't told the others yet, they just know that I'm flying to Virginia for a few days.

"Oh C'mon Ash, why won't you tell us? And why have you suddenly been interested in sign language?" CC whined, poking me.

I rolled my eyes and held up a video camera. "You'll see why when I get back."

He just made a face at me. Andy chuckled and sighed, "Your plane leaves soon. Let me drive you."

"Sure, that'd be great. Thanks Andy." I nodded to him and smiled as I picked up my leather duffel bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

I told the others that I would see them later and then Andy drove me 3o minutes to the LAX airport. Over the drive he and I kept talking about what may happen now and what's going to happen when Vincent gets out.

What the hell am I doing, though? I talk about this kid like I've known him all my life. But I've only known of his existance for two months, and the information on him is negative, but he cut himself for the murders because of guilt? I just need to meet him. It kind of relieves me that he is an attractive kid so he shouldn't get bullied so much.

Andy finally pulled up to the Airport and let me out.

"Good luck, Ash!" He smiled. I nodded to him and waved, turning and going inside. I didn't get many stares, I was just in my black boots, black straight leg jeans with a chained belt and a black tank with my leather jacket over it. My hair was just a little teased, not like normally.

I waited an hour and finally boarded the plane. I took a seat and put my white earphones in, listening to Motley Crüe, my old band Stolen Hearts, Black Veil Brides, KISS and other bands.

In just a couple hours I would finally be there.

-Vincent's POV-

I sat in my 'cell' it was just a white concrete square that each inmate got that had a bathroom, a bed, and a small window that was bullet proof with bars across it. I'm thankful they didn't take away my normal clothes. I just may die without my converse, skinnies, hoodie and loose BMTH T-shirt.

This place had a huge barb-wire fenced in yard where we got to go out side, and then there were a couple of smaller solitary yards for visitors to be alone with the person they came to see.

I made sure to stay invisible around here, there were a lot of intimidating people that I didn't want to encounter.

It was about five hours later when an officer came to the door, unbolting it. "You have a visitor, Vincent. He requested one of the private yards for you two. I'll uncuff you when we get there." He gave me a half smile as he signed to me and I nodded, holding out my hands for him to cuff.

"You know kid, you're my favorite. You don't give me any trouble and you do what your asked without complaint." I had gotten good at lip-reading but I still could read signing.

I gave him a small nod and kept my eyes down as he led me through the halls, there were other inmates filtering in and out of each others room. You could visit other people four hours a day but I normally kept myself locked up with a sheet pinned over the window, and every day I used a piece of glass to cut a small line into my arm, counting the days.

Officer Sheilds uncuffed me at the door and let me out into the small yard, it had nothing but grass and a picnic table. There was no one here yet, he went back inside to go get whoever my visited was.

I sat at the table and laid my head down, sighing. Waiting.

I felt the table move slightly, meaning someone must have sat down. I sat up slowly and looked at him. This man was all dressed in black, he had long hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. His face was kinda shaped like mine.

"Hello." He smiled and signed as he greeted me.

I signed back that I could read lips and he nodded in understandance.

"Vincent?" He asked, holding out a hand to me. I have a small nod and hesitantly took his hand, shaking it. I pulled my hand back quickly and kept my head slightly down, but still looking at him.

He gave me a quiet smile. "My name is Ashley Purdy, Ash for short." he explained. My head came up quickly, causing my hair to fall over just one eye. But they were both widened. Why is he here?

"M-My biological......" I trailed off quietly and he nodded in reply.

"Look, Vincent I'm so sorry that I never got to meet you or help raise you. I was never told that Jamison was pregnant, if she had then maybe you wouldn't be in this mess. Can you possibly forgive me?" Ashley looked kind if upset and worried. He stared at me with an apologetic and sympathetic look.

I rubbed my eyes to prevent myself from crying, I actually nearly did. No one has ever said anything so sincere to me before, its like he understands perfectly.


-Ashley's POV-

I waited for him to reply to me, longing for his voice again. He was so much like me, just a bit shyer. I stared at him and tried again. Vincent's head was down and he looked on the verge of tears.

"Come here." I whispered, He slowly stood up and walked around to my side, still standing, keeping his head down.

"Son... everything's going to be okay..." I offered a smile and I stood up, hugging him. Vincent was quick to hug me back.

"Thank you so much Ash.. I just wish I had known you sooner..."

I smiled and shook my head. "There will be plenty of time to get to know each other after I bring you home with me in a few months. You're sentance was shortened for good behaviour."

Vincent gave me the biggest smile and took his hood off, hell, our hair was the same except for length. "Really?" he asked, I nodded and he kept smiling.

I had the officer by the door video taping everything, so I would never forget any of this. And I can show the guys when I go home.

He and I spent the rest of the day laughing and sharing stories and things about ourselves. We even played like children for a while, this kid is so awesome once you break his shell.

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