With Every Sin

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"Tie her up, now!" his voice was harsh and demanding. I gave my father Steven a small night blue glare and nodded quietly.

I let my medium black/dark blue hair fall over my eyes as I adjusted my hat and walked over to a tall wooden post in the basement. I took my arms and grabbed the rope from the ceiling, pulling it down and tying it around the screaming blondes waist and hands.

"Please! You're 14 aren't you? Be a good boy and let me go. Please!" She cried. I kept my eyes down and mouth shut, walking away.

Steven smirked at me and patted my shoulder. He went over and tied the woman's mouth shut. "Vinny, go get my knife."

I nodded and walked past the bookshelf to go get his knife. I paused to look at the encased female hearts dad had already carved from other women's chests.

Quickly I moved past and got his knife for him. He carved a V and an S in her arm, making her scream louder. Before he could command me to kill her, I ran upstairs. Unable to witness it.

I ran straight to my room and slammed it shut, going straight after my razor blade and cutting a long deep slash into my wrist. For each woman I was forced to help him kidnap and murder, I cut another line. There were Four on my arm already.

"Vincent! Come back down here and help me clean up this blood mess!" Steven yelled. The screaming had stopped.

"Coming!" My voice was slightly choked.

As I walked down stairs, I grabbed about seven towels. The human body was a strange thing, filled to the brim with blue liquid. That's how it is, before blood exits the body, its blue. The oxygen exposure turns it red, and black when dry.

I went to the basement, throwing my black hoodie on so I wouldn't have to look at the gaping, black, bloody whole in the woman's chest.

The floor was soaked in red. I kept my mind off of it as I began to wipe up the blood. I never expected what would happen next.

"You know Vincent, You've seen a bit too much. I'm not sure If I can trust you, especialky after Jamison left... I guess you can be the first male in the collection." Steven said.

My eyes widened and I jumped up from the floor, turning around to look at him. He had a fucking gun pointed at me. "D-Dad...." I whispered.

"Hands up, drop the gun Mr.James!" Four FBI agents burst into the basement. He dropped the gun and out his hands in the air. I fell to the floor, an anxiety attack approaching, maybe even one of my seizures. There was a wave if gunfire when Steven tried to attack an officer. i was cuffed along with Steven and we were both taken away. He went to Prison, and I went to the Juvenile Detention Center.

Now I sat in an interrogation room. I held my head in my hands as two agents discussed me while I sat in front of them.

"Apparently his name is Vincent Callumn James. He is 14 years of age and he was born on Easter- April 20th, 1998. His Mother is Jamison Rate and his step-father is Steven James-" it all sounded dull to me.

That's where I finally spoke"W-Wait... What? Stepfather? No, Steven is my real dad." I said. Holding a hand up and lowering it again.

The agents looked at each other and the man sighed, shaking his head. "No, Vincent, your biological father is Ashley Purdy. He's 28."

I blinked at them, confused. Who the hell is Ashley Purdy? Isn't that a woman's name.

"Anyhow, Vincent and Steven both captured and killed five women. Each of them were blonde with dark blue eyes and they were pale." They continued talking and turned to me. "Explain?"

"My mom had blonde hair and blue eyes..."

The rest was boring and normal. Finally I was sent back to my cell, sentanced to 16 months. By the time I got out, I would be 15 and almost 16.

Maybe things after this would be better, most likely not. I'm going to be sent to a foster home. No one wants a 15 year old self harming murderer. Of course it wasn't my fault...

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