This Is Me

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I like my style 

Don't tell me to smile 

I like my "darkness"

It makes me seem heartless

Which means I don't need to trust 

Or fall in love

Don't try to change me

I don't care what you think

I know who I am

And this...

Is me

I love Green Day

I love black clothes

It makes my eyes stand out

They are blue

I love my personality 

I crack myself up

Although some days I've had enough

Don't tell me to change 

I am who I am

This 'darkness' is me

Not what you expected?

Looks like you overreacted 


This is me

Who I want to be


Hey guys!!!

This is about when my ex- boyfriend made fun of my personality and shit. And no, not in the playful way. As he actually starting throwing insults at me. Now you see why he's my ex. This shitty poem goes out to  him. Because if you don't like the way I am, then why be with me in the first place?

                              - Katherine  

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