Girls Generation

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Nakta's POV

Ugh. This is a total embarrassment. How the fuck could we let them over take us. Ugh.

" Um that's easy.... all y'all were hung up on fucking girls." Gohn our lead vocalist says rolling his eyes.

" I said that out loud?" He nods.

" That's because..... Im sexy, cool, perfect J Jehovha nissi oh!" Jenissi sings his part from our mv Open The Door.

" Dude Nakta don't you know someone here. Can't you ask him to help us?"

"What! The hell! This is a strong gang. Dude if they captured us then my friend can't help us. Were the most feared gang in Korea."

They were about to say something but were interrupted by a loud bang. We all jump and snap our heads to the door.

" Hey let me introduce myself!! Here comes trouble!! Whoo ttara hae!!Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah neo jallasseo jeongmal!!" I brighten up at the failed attempt of Girls Generation I Got A Boy.

"Rose!!" I crash her into a hug then hold her out at arms length.

" How'd you get here? Are you hurt? " I say in the best English I can.

" The actual fuck. You're asking if I'm ok when your held captive? Dude how did you get in this situation huh? I thought you were the most feared. When we get home all y'all will get training. Got it." She raises her eyebrow and puts her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes.

" Arasseo umma." I say. ( Ok mom).

"Haha! " She sticks her tongue out at me.

" Uh... I don't mean to interrupt or anything... but Nakta who the heck is she?" Hansol the lead dancer walks up glaring.

" Whoa whoa whoa. You guys this is my friend Rose. Rose this is the boys." She smiles and waves.

" Yo what up? Actually I probably shouldn't ask that." She smirks evilly. I roll my eyes then realize that we're still prisoners and what the hell is she doing here?

" Rose!" She jumps at my sudden out burst.

"Y-yes Nakky?" She looks everywhere but me. Eyebrow raised I fold my arms and stare her down.

" Mind telling me... why you're here." She turns to me quickly eyes wide.

" Well shit." She murmurs.

The room goes silent until we hear barking and a very loud whine. Before anyone can react Rose was out the door with a loud "Sparky!".

I rush after her the rest following me. We end up in a large what seemed to be a living room. There, Rose was sitting next to a large dog. She had her arms around its middle and the dogs head in her lap.

I walk to her side and kneel down.

"Hey, you ok?" She just shakes her head. There was a loud crash and deep male voices yelling. I look down at Rose in alarm but she kept her eyes on the dog.

" Get TD (ToppDogg) out I'll kill the rest." She mumbles then stands up. " Take the dog and get him treated." She adds before walking to where the noise came from.

The other guys that were not in our gang says " Yes Boss." before picking up the dog and pushing us outside. I look back once more to see Rose fighting and totally kicking the guys asses.

Wow. That was all I can think of. I start to climb in the black van after my members but was stopped.

" Boss requires you in the Panther." I glare but was too weak to fight so I just follow the tall built man.

We stop by a camaro, it was night time and I could only make out the outline of the car. Who calls a car a panther. The man opens the door and nudges me. I roll my eyes and climb in. The door closes it and it locks.

The black vans that all my members are in pulls away and leaves me here alone. I look around the car and notice that it is on. Dang I didn't see the bright green lights on from out side, I also didn't hear the engine running.

Hm. Who's the boss? Why did he want me here? Wow now I'm asking these questions. Just shows you how tired I am. Ugh so.... tired.

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