Chapter 1 Moving Back

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I took a dark purple shirt that had 6 in the middle of it and placed it into the suitcase full of my other clothes.Today we were moving back to California which I wasn't glad of much.I've already made great friends here at New York but sadly,Mum had a client for her clothes

The woman wanted a new,freshly made wardrobe of clothes.That would take a while so Mum and Dad decided to let us move back.

I know your wondering.....moving back to California?What does that mean?Well let me explain to you.

2 years ago I lived in California.Total nerd with all the pimples and glasses,you name it.Plus I was fat like a round basketball.All the kids disliked me and bullied me.When I told my Mum and Dad about this,they didn't take it well.They immediately got tickets to New York and here we are now.

That was my back story.Now I have light brown hair that goes down to my waist,mint green eyes that people would die for,a perfect figure a man could ask for.Once I was done packing,I zipped my 2 suitcases up and clutched the handle in each of my hands.I sighed.I already made 2 great friends here which were Serenity and Willow.They were funny and we would practically prank each other,sometimes even the teachers or the principal.I would say I'm the bad girl here.

I walked out of my room with nothing in it while my 2 suitcases trailed behind me.I strolled down the halls of my house it was kind of a mansion if I must say.I was at the very top of the stairs and let out a frustrated sigh.It was a long way down.I looked up to see my older brother Cameron

"Need any help with that?"He asked,flashing me his pearly whites.He was 100% boyfriend material.He was a gentlemen like from the movies.The boy would pull out the chair for you,he would let you in the place first and other kind stuff.I nodded my head in his direction and handed him my black suitcase.I held the white on with my arms and started to walk down the stairs slowly and carefully.

Once I was at the very bottom of the staircase,I sighed in relief.My suitcase was very heavy.I mean I worked out a lot but it felt like I was carrying Dad.I giggled lightly at the thought.

I walked toward the main doors with my white suitcase behind me.I saw our black limo.It was shining in the sunlight.I really like dark colors.Bright colors were like,for girly girls which I hated the most.I handed my suitcase to Cole,my Dad's assistant.My Dad ran the

Metalium incorporation

Yup.My parents are loaded with cash.I liked spending money but not too much.I slided down the seat of the gray leathered seat and sat by the window.The car rumbled,meaning the car started its engine.The limo started to drive off.I stared at the surroundings around us as it faded behind us as it passed by.

The car stopped by the airport car park.I was a bit nervous and excited.I was nervous cause I don't know what their reaction would be and I'm also excited cause I really want to see their faces when they know it's me.
Catherine Marianne S. Metalium.

I opened the door as the warm fresh breeze hit my face gently.I moved aside to let Cameron out of the car also.Cole got our suitcases from the trunk.
"Thanks Cole"I smiled warmly at him as he returned the favor and also smiled.

We all walked up to the waiting area,photographers capturing Our pictures.I ignored as Ben,Riley,Shawn,Grey and John started to block their way to us.They are our top security guards.I took out my phone and started to text my best friend,Serenity

Catherine:Hey Seri.

Serenity:Hey Cath!!!Are there photographers?

Catherine:Yeah.I wish they would just go away....

"Flight to California 4B to the section 5"A lady yelled.I stood up and grabbed a hold of suitcase.Photographers were asking questions about Dad and Mum why they were here and all of that.3 young ladies also approached me a while ago and asked me for why I was here for.I didn't bother to answer them.

Once we were on the airplane to California,I quickly scanned the area.Mum and Dad said we were supposed to be in Class A and this wasn't.I followed Cameron cause I was at the very back of the line.

We were finally in the Class A.There were also people but, there were only a few.Some were sleeping or texting or relaxing or talking with each other.I plopped onto the seat next to Cameron and blinked a few times.I was super tired.I had a very long trip to go here now it's gonna be longer .I'd bet there would be photographers waiting for us at the airport.I quickly put my phone at airplane mode and turned it off.I might get air sickness if that's even a word.

My eyes started to drop as the airplane started to fly.I blinked a few times before being engulfed in total darkness.

I felt somebody nudge on my shoulder.My eyes shot open to see Cameron smirking at me.
"Good morning were here"He smiled at me.I playfully rolled my eyes and stretched my arms and legs.I cracked my knuckles and back.After all that,I stood up,feeling the cramps on my legs.Ughh...hate this.

We all got off the plane and as soon as I knew it,there were a crowd of photographers waiting for us.Ben,Riley,Shawn,Grey and John swiftly stood in front of us.The photographers' cameras started to flash as they took pictures of us.

Once we got out of the swarm of photographers we ran up to our other limo that was white.I slided inside and stared out the window.

We arrived at the mansion were supposed to live in.It was huge,a great place to have a party.But Mum and Dad wouldn't allow.

I got inside.A huge chandelier was hanged on the ceiling with a few antiques were placed on the tables.

"Cameron?Where is my room?"I asked Cameron,slowly approaching him.He turned my way and showed me his pearly whites.
"I'll just show you"He started walking towards the stairs.I trailed behind him.

We finally got to my room.Im surprised that Cameron knows my room.I opened the door to my room.It was still bare and no emotions in the room.There was a walk-in closet,a nice bed with red swirls all over the blanket.I loved the room.

I began to unpack my stuff and organize it properly.I placed all my clothes in the walk-in closet and surprisingly,it all fits in there.I placed my toiletries in the bathroom which was a bit big though,I didn't mind.

Once I was done I was drenched in sweat.I plopped on my bed with my face going first.Today was a very tiring day if I must say.Tomorrow was a Monday so one word........


Hello!This is my other book!Im sorry for my mistakes and I hope you like the book.It was super fun doing the unchained love but my inspiration faded away...
Thanks for reading!
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