Chapter 9 Lunch

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I walked through the halls of the school,with the bipolar mood that Dylan had a while ago.My mind wondered further as I though what would be happening with him.

I shook my thoughts away as I reached the cafeteria doors.Once my hand grabbed the handle,a firm hand came upon mine.I slowly tilted my head aside to see none other than:

Dylan Mayhem

How did he caught up to me? He gave me a smirk.I groaned out in annoyance and quickly retracted my hand from his warm,delicate,strong and muscu--wait a minute?!What is happening with me?!

"Stalker much?" I asked sassily,breaking our awkward silence.I didn't wait for his response as I widely opened the cafeteria doors,a silence coming upon all the students.

Oh how I hated awkward silences.I awkwardly cleared my throat as everyone else continued with what ever they were doing.I walked towards the counter and got:

4 slices of pizzas,C2 (yellow) and 1 slice of brownies.I handed the lunch lady the payment and set off to where Julie and the others were sitting at.I sat my tray next to Julie and sat down.

"Hey there" I told them.They all faced me,just noticing my appearance now.
"Hey Cath" Emily joyfully said.Emily and her positive moods.I mentally rolled my eyes at the negative thought.It was nice there are 2 girls that are positive.

"Hi Catherine" Emerson said quietly I barely heard it.
"Hey there Catherine" Leo greeted me with a cheerful smile.
"Shall we continue?" I asked them like I was a knight
"We shall!" Julie commented.Us girls giggled while the boys continued to eat their lunch.


I untwisted the cap of my C2 and chugged down on my drink.I sealed it back once I stopped and started to eat my pizza.

I felt the chair creak beside me.I looked towards the source of the sound to see:

Dylan Mayhem

Why wouldn't he leave me alone to myself!?I placed my half-eaten pizza on my tray and faced Dylan,who had a big,bright grin on his face.Okay,something I'd definitely wrong.

"And your here,why?" I asked him.He looked at me.
"I just wanted to have lunch with my sister.Is there a problem?" He asked,raising his eyebrows at me.
"Your friends over there-" I pointed to his original table.
"Are missing your presence,so run along with them" I shrugged.I continued to eat my pizza.

"Are you still coming to the party?" He asked me with puppy dog eyes.It does not fit him.
"Nope" I replied,popping the 'p' letter.
"Why--" I immediately cut him off.
"Didn't I just tell you that?" I asked him.He was literally annoying me.

"But are you coming?" He asked with a pleaded look in his eyes.Why are you so desperate?
"I'm out of here" I hugged out angrily.I got off my seat.When I was about to walk away,a hand sprung out and grabbed my wrist,preventing me from taking another step forward.

"Do you mind?" I gestured towards his tight grip towards me.
"Not until you say yes" He said with a sly smirk on his face.
"Fine,yes" I said.I groaned and pulled my hand away from his.He looked at me with a big grin plastered on his lips.
"You will be my date right?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I would rather die that being your date" I retorted.I heard snickers from that current table Dylan was sitting.
"Ouch,that hurts" He placed his hand on his heart and put on a fake pained face.I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking out of the cafeteria.


I was in the library,reading the book I always bring with me:
I love this book.I always thought that there is a chance that vampires exist or even werewolves.

I heard a creak beside me.I turned where the sound came from to see:


Guess who

If you guessed Dylan Mayhem then your correct.Why would he be here?
I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he gave me a big wide grin.

"Why are you here?" I asked.I didn't mean to be rude but he has been following me for the while freaking day! Don't you find that annoying?!
"Can't I stay at the library?" He asked me.I sighed in defeat and returned to my book.

' Tap '

A sound made as it continuously made it.Dylan was tapping his pen against the table for 5 minutes already.I slammed my hand again his hand to make him stop.Dylan stared at our hands.

"I didn't know you liked me" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.I groaned in annoyance and slipped my hand away from his.

' Tap '

The sound continued.
"Stop that!!" I yelled at him,earning a few 'shh' from the other tables.
"Sorry" I quietly whispered as they all returned to what they were doing.
"Okay,what do you want?You must be here for something" I sassily said.I just wanted him to leave.

"You will still be my date right?" He asked me,popping his bottom lip out.
"Let me think about that" I told him as I started to gather my stuff and headed out the library.

I'm sorry if it's too short!Ill make it longer again!
Yuki_Kamori86 out

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