7. Lillian Linton A Cinderella Story Kinda

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Unedited... oops

No particular POV:

( Wish me luck I'm starting writing this with the intention for it be very happy... hopefully! )

Everyone loves a little bit of Disney right? I'm also guessing we all love a little bit of Storm And Silence so why not combine the two?

Once upon a time in a land that was at least a few centuries ago when women lacked the rights they deserved and everyone dressed in frankly ridiculous dresses or tiger coated waist coats lived a girl.

A ferocious fiery ifirit by the name of Lillian Linton. She's not your normal Cinderella. She's not living for a fairy tale ending, she wants rights. Rights that women surely deserve. She's an inspiration to females and suffragists everywhere. 

Lilly, like all Cinderella's, had some sisters, five to be exact. Two perfectly fit the description of evil sisters. They just weren't so ugly.

Even if Lilly had two demons for relatives like Anne and Marie she was blessed with an angel named Ella as her innocent lovely sister who was very dear to her heart.

Her Aunt Brank perfectly fit the description of evil stepmother, well apart from the fact that she wasn't Lilly's stepmother she was something so much worse, an actual blood relative.

Her Aunt.

Poor Lilly's punishment was not to slave away for hours apon hours tidying and cleaning and creating dresses, oh no she was sentenced to something so much worse.

Man hunting.

Cue the shivers of terror.

The name to some may imply running around the woods chasing men with pitchforks and parasols, it was not nearly as exciting as that.

Lilly would have to go and walk around the parks scouting for suitable suitors who may wish to marry her. She hated it with a passion.

The feminist inside her would regularly scream at any man who would dare speak to her. Sadly they couldn't hear it as it was only a figment of her conscience and surely if she were to say she heard voice in her head it wouldn't end well.

Lillian Linton is a special kind of lady. One who is not obsessed with dresses, shoes and if lace should or should not be worn on a purple gown. Such frivolous boring activities.

Along with her feminist friends Lilly never wanted to be tied down to a man who would only use her for creating children and sitting at home looking pretty.

Never, never, would she succumb to a life that dry and boring. She wanted adventure and all the privileges a man held.

Sadly for her that wouldn't happen for a good couple of decades.

"Girls downstairs now! You too Lillian I know your hiding up there!"

Ah poor Lilly. Forever condoned to a world filled with shouting aunts and awful sisters.

She shrugged on a plain white dress, simple was the best way to go, she could go unnoticed by men where ever she went.

Her Aunt seemed to hate that plan.

She tiptoed downstairs. All her other sister were gathered in the living room. If only she could get a couple more steps.

Her hand was crawling closer and closer to the back door knob. Maybe Patsy, Eve and Flora would be in the park.

So close, almost there...


All hope was lost.

She sighed her hand dropping from the door knob hopelessly.

"What are you doing girl. Get into the living room now!"

She sighed again. A sigh of hopelessness. This wasn't going to end well.

"Coming Aunt."

Lillian entered the room to find all her sisters sitting down on the cheap uncomfortable chairs.

When their parents died Lillian's Aunt and Uncle weren't that thrilled to bring in 6 girls to their household. This may have been what started her Uncles miserly ways.

That's why soggy potatos and oats were her main meals of the day too.

Aunt Brank sat down in one of the chairs fanning her dress out around her and crossing her old mangled fingers across her lap.

"We have been invited to the masquerade ball of the decade. The height of society will be there."

Anne and Marie fluttered their eyelashes simultaneously both had hungry grins on their faces.

Like how one, who is none vegan, in modern day terms would look at a Big Mac from McDonald's.

"We have decide to get you all new dresses and masks. They will be waiting for you upstairs."

All the girls smiled but Lillian. Her face was set in a frown. She hated balls. Masquerade ones were the worst of the worst.

Everyone got up quickly but Lillian each eager to see their new dress. They hardly ever got a chance to wear new dresses.

That's what having a miser for a uncle was like.

Lilly stood up slowly and turned towards her aunt. "Aunt..."

"Lillian Linton you are going to that ball end of conversation."

All hope was definitely lost now.


Wrote while sleepy a few days ago
I'm gonna leave the quirky bits in.

Part two coming soon...

Also side note thanks for 1K reads
Its made my slightly crappy week better

- A very stressed Belle

( I Hate French With A Passion )

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