7. Lillian Linton A Cinderella Story Kinda part 2

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No Particular POV:

A most likely very unambrosey Ambrose ahead. As well as a little bit out of character Lillian.

She didn't mind the dress. It was a pretty blue colour and it accentuated everything she already had, brushing up on her appearance slightly.

Just because Lillian put on a pretty dress and felt beautiful didn't mean her morals or feminism instantly changed. She was still her under all that uncomfortable fabric.

"Gosh, this dress is super itchy."

Ella, Lillian's demure sister giggled gently into her hand. "You look lovely even if it itches."

Lillian sighed. She did look lovely, but the dress was annoying her so much. Oh and the mask, don't even get her started on the mask! The feathers kept brushing her temples and awkwardly tickling her where no feather should tickle.

"Girls! We're late hurry!" The sickening shriek of Lillian's Aunt Brank echoed
through out their house.

On a daily basis shippers of Lambrose wonder, how on earth do the Linton sister maintain adequate hearing while living with a screeching banshee?

One may never know.

The chaise the Linton's were traveling in was less rickety than a certain misers chaise, but not by much.

They were all cramped together with hoop skirts pushing into different uncomfortable places. It felt suffocating in that tiny cramped space.

At the ball were hundreds of gentlemen and ladies dressed in lavish clothing and elegant masks. You couldn't tell who was who. So it was a night to pretend, a night to slip into the skin of someone your not.

Hide behind a expensive mask and a beautiful dress or a flashy tailcoat and perfectly pressed waistcoat.

Once the Linton's arrived at the ballroom Lillian slipped away into the crowd.

She kept turning her head slightly to look behind her to see if her aunt had been following her through the crowd.

However what Lillian didn't notice was the tall, muscular, statuesque figure that was conveniently placed in her direct path towards her one true love...



Her body slammed into the man in front of her causing them both to stumble slightly.

"I'm sorry!"

He just stared at her coldly from behind his black mask not moving or speaking.

To Lillian he looked vaguely familiar but behind the mask she couldn't tell exactly who he was.

"Sorry I, uh wasn't looking where I was going."

"I could see that, if you had been looking where your going you wouldn't have knocked into me."

Lillian's eyes flashed with annoyance and recognition.

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