10. Lay With Me

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No Particular POV:

"W-what are you doing here?"

He ran a hand through his hair in distress. This was the first time she and seen him outwardly show weakness to her.

"I don't know, I don't know and I've never not know." He looked deep into her eyes and the sudden current, the electric pull they both felt hit them full force. "I always know what I want and I've had it all planned out. Now I don't know what to do."

She bit her lip hiding behind the door. "I don't know either."

They looked at each other again and rain started to fall. This could be it, their romantic notebook moment.

Life never turns out as the movies say.

He paced around and around in front of her pulling at his hair and muttering under his breath while she watched all the while thinking about what it would be like to feel his lips on hers one last time.

"How, how do I stop this feeling? This feeling of hopelessness whenever I look at you?" He stated coming to a stop and dragging her out into the rain with him.

"I've been asking myself the same thing for years. Since the moment I ran into you on the street dressed as a man a part of me knew."

She smiled sadly at him. "It was love. A little bit of insanity but it was love. It wasn't right from the start, it grew into something more than either of us ever expected."

They stopped for a minute and the world around them stopped as well.

The ran stopped falling and the birds stopped chirping and their was a beautiful silence filled with the words they didn't have the courage to say. You could hear a pin drop.

"I felt more than I should have Rikkard. Now I don't know if I want to feel anymore."

The sounds and the rain came back at full force as they looked at each other. Ensnared in a lovers is embrace.

"It was love and I'm high on a feeling of desperation here, but it still is. A massive part of it still is, for you it may be a was, a past term event, but for me it's a now. It's a love not a loved."

Then he crashed his lips onto hers. Colliding in a kiss of passion, pain and desperation. Desperate to cling onto the other like their lives depended on it.

They kissed in the rain and said everything that they couldn't say out loud. The she pulled away.

"We can't do this."

He gripped her waist tighter pulling her close. He looked wild and deranged as he gripped her. "We can do anything we want Lillian."

She put her hands on his chest pushing him away from her slightly. "You left me. You left me all alone." Her voice started to rise and her anger flowed into fury as she started banging on his rock hard chest.

"I told you I loved you and you left me. Alone and sad. You were the one who threw it all away. Threw away all that we had over your own fears and uncertainties. This is your fault not mine. Your problem I've moved on." She spat out tears streaming down her face and fists banging against his chest.

He hugged her tight to keep her near him. "I made an mistake. People make mistakes. Forgive my mistake, for I do-I-I.." he breathed in deeply. "I love you with all my heart body and mind, please please don't marry him." His voice broke at the end as he kissed her forehead stroking her soft brown hair.

"Don't marry him."

She smiled softly and sadly at him. "I have too. There's no future in us. We were doomed from the start Rikkard."

He shook his head pulling his tailcoat around them both. "No we weren't. There's still hope for us. I can't live my life knowing the women I love is living her's with a man that isn't me."

"But you have too. You have to watch knowing it could have been you. It could have been our wedding, in our cottage with our kids. Instead your alone and I'm living with a man who loves me."

"A man who was brave enough to love me."

He growled in frustration. "I love you. I'm standing her in this thunder storm in the middle of no-where asking you to say you love me back. I'm asking you to kiss me, because right now, in this moment right here all I care about is us. Nobody else just us, together with no one else for miles and miles. Kiss me please! One last time!"

She didn't. She walked away from him till he pulled her back into his chest and crashed his lips onto hers.

They kissed passionately while thunder and lightning boomed all around. It sounded like the breaking of a heart, because hearts were breaking. They break all the time. His just happened to be one of them.

"I love you. Rikkard I love you. A part of me always has and a bigger part of me always will."

"I love you too Lillian."

"That's why you need to let me go."

He groaned. "I can't. I physically can't because mentally it will leave me weak."

"Then be weak. Be weak for someone who isn't me and love them fully and happily but just love them love them with all your heart."

He sighed gripping her arms. "I love you with all my heart. I'm weak for you. Please don't marry him."

They stared at each other. Deeply, passionately. "I'm marrying him."

"Then I'll wait. I've lost you once. I can lose you again. I'll lose you a hundred times if it means you can come crashing back into my life at some point. I will wait for you."

She smiled softly leaning into his chest as the thunder roared all around. "Rick, sometimes the ones you love are the ones you need to leave behind."

"I could never leave you behind."

He never did. They lay down together in the damp muddy grass and kissed. They kissed for warmth and shelter from the raging storm and they kissed out of love and hope.

They lay there for hours slowly freezing as the afternoon turned into night, and the night slowly rolled into morning.

When morning came they were locked in each other's arms and they never got up.

Love. It's a toxic thing. It slowly eats away at your everything. You second guess everything, you hurt and you feel happiness more than ever before.

Love kills and it destroys and that is ultimately the beauty of it.

The destruction of love and death is the best part of all. The heartbreak is the prize at the end of the walk that is love.


I actually wrote this in less than 30 minutes. It just kinda flowed. It's my outlet of emotion.

I know it's very un-Lilly and Ambrose like, but I loved writing this. I needed to write this and I'm happy with how it turned out.

I hope it makes you feel something as you read it.

- Belle

One Fateful Addiction To A Certain Stormy Series - Storm and Silence FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now