Storm and Silence there aren't enough words to describe how amazing the book is in general. They also can't stop getting better and better as the sequel In The Eye Of The Storm was amazing and the current Silence Is Golden is just so mind blowingly...
Nobody and I literally mean no one asked for this, but I want to create an original Fanfiction because no other Fanfiction creator has written about this before apart from me.
( I think... )
This will be my legacy.
Also Benedict Cumberbatch above because he's Benedict Cumberbatch. You don't need a reason to stare at his face.
( Please don't take this seriously... Also I know there's errors in this chapter I literally can't be bothered to properly check it. )
No Particular POV:
It's been a week since 'the incident' of clashing swords outside the ball Rikkard Ambrose last attended. ( Part nine #SelfPromo )
Rikkard couldn't get the incident out of his head. It was a scene that just kept playing over and over and over again. It was wasting his time.
In his eyes it was time well spent.
Rikkard has never been in love. He doesn't think he's in love but he sure feels something when he looks atKarims' beard.
He so has a beard fetish.
It was late on a Monday evening and Mr Linton was working quietly next door when suddenly his office door and a tall beautiful man strolled purposely into the room.
Lord Daniel DAMgliesh.
I sincerely apologise for that awful pun.
Rikkards eyes wandered over his figure only slightly shorter than Rikkards own.
His eyes looked up and down the beautiful body of the man before him, devouring the view of his taunt muscles kept prisoner under his slightly to small suit everywhere suit.
I bet that little fact was on purpose Daniel.
Finally his eyes stopped at his package. A package that was incredibly visible due to his trousers being awfully tight.
Lucky man.
Ricks eyes finally strolled up to his face. He was meet with a large smirk.
The noise had attracted the attention of Lillian Linton who quickly chucked on her top hat and ran out of the room.
Then promptly left when she felt the extreme sexual tension between the two.
She realised herself that he could never love her because his heart was stolen by another. A man. However scandalous it may be she was happy for him.
"You look well Rikkard."
Their eyes danced over the others faces and they slowly crept towards each other before they kept into a steamy make out session.
Wandering hands explored defined abs and taunt, teasing muscles.
The others lips were their poison fruit, so tasty and marvellous, yet so deadly if anyone found out. Yet they still loved it. They loved the feeling of a secret love.
Rikkard slowly walked Daniel into a wall and pinned his wandering hands to his side.
Totally has a wall fetish.
"You love being in the position of power don't you Dicky?"
His only response was a growl before he mashed his lips against Daniels soft, pink ones.
It felt magically. A better feeling than eating an entire tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream which is possibly the best feeling on the planet.
The kiss felt so much better than that. It was their everything and nothing at all.
It would only be made better by one person. One beautiful bearded hunk of a man.
"Shouldn't one of us call him in my dear temporary love?" Rikkard asked while softly stroking his hands along the hard ridges of Daniels jaw.
"Well I'm not going to say no am I." Daniel replied as his hand wandered down towards the south if you know what I mean.
If you don't know what I mean please stop reading immediately. Gonna try and keep it PG.
Just then at that precise moment as Daniel gripped Rikkards 'sword', wink, Karim burst through the door an actually sword in hand as Rikkard let out a moan.
"Well, well, well you're just in time...."
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So that happened. I don't really know what else to say...
I want to rant just a little bit about Wattpad and their views on 'slut-shaming.' I whole heartedly disagree with main stream authors with thousands of followers and young readers using words like 'slut' and 'whore' for girls who like to embrace their sexuality by dressing in what makes them feel confident, thinking the good girl protagonists hot as hell boyfriend is hot and having sex or sleeping with multiple guys.
NEWSFLASH PEOPLE! As long as women are giving their consent they can sleep with as many men or women as possible whenever the hell they want without getting called a 'Slut' or a 'Whore.' They can dress in form fitting clothing with their boobs out if they want because that's okay! If you've got it flaunt it!
A prime example of this in Wattpad books is; Bad boy good girl book, bad boy is hot, he's kissing someone and he's not yet with the good girl...
"Oh my god look at Shelly she's all over ( generic bad boy name ), and her tits are out! She's such a slut!"
"She's giving me the evil eyes what a whore!"
More mainstream authors need to stop their portrayal of women immediately.