Chapter 2-Escape

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I take deep breaths, I had escaped the fight. I had to get one of the guards and the first one I saw was Vargas. We both get into the room, where Nate, Rafe and Sam were fighting. I could see Nate being held and was about to be stabbed by the guy he picked a fight with but before he could anything Vargas smacks him in the head before hitting him again.

Vargas orders something in Spanish but didn't understand until the other guards started pinning the inmates, I quickly grab Sam before pushing him next to another inmate. I look over to see one of the guards had found the cross, the guard who found it hands to Vargas,

"Are you bringing in contraband?" Vargas asked as Sam and I watch in shock and worry, Nate tries to reason with him but Vargas snapped, "Who do you think you are?" 

Vargas quickly orders something and turns towards me, pointing to the office, I nod before grabbing Sam, pushing him into the room. We all get into the room, I put my hand on Sam back as to ask if he's ok, Sam looks and nods before I look at Nate who also nods.

"Déjennos!" Vargas orders, and by the looks of it telling the guard leave, the guard who had brought Rafe in, he pushes Rafe before exiting the room, I quickly walk behind closing the door so no one outside could ear drop in our conversation.

"Took you long enough," Rafe says looking between me and Vargas but mostly Vargas since I had to fight my way through to get Vargas. "We almost got killed, you know,"

"You still might," Vargas says pulling out a pistol, "Vargas--seriously?" Rafe asks with no fear at all. "'There was nothing there'," Vargas says, repeating the words I had said when we got back to him and he repeated the words Nate said before throwing the cross back to Nate.

"Well?" Vargas asks and Nate looks at Sam before he answered, "What can I say, I was raised Catholic, I always carry one," I didn't expect Nate to come up with that, I give him praise for it but Vargas didn't, he just points his gun at him.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey look -- It's worthless, all right?" Sam says coming to Nate side but that just caused him to point the gun at Sam, "You think I'm an idiot?" Vargas shouts, angrily. Yes, I thought to myself, I personally do think he's stupid, he definitely looks it.

"Okay. You want to renegotiate? Fine. Stop acting like a third world thug. Now put the gun away," Rafe orders and surprisingly Vargas actually listens, that's the first and for that Rafe thanks he before he tells him, "We're willing to give you ah... ten percent,"

Rafe offers but Vargas laughs obviously not happy with the deal and he wants half, I look over to Sam, who is looking at me before I look over to Rafe, "Don't forget we are doing most of the work," I say and Rafe nods agreeing with me before offering him twenty percent.

"Twenty-five," Vargas finally offers and that was his offer after we all agreed, even though we didn't want to give him twenty-five but that was his finally offer, "Looks like we have a dead," Rafe says and Vargas agrees with a smirk before shaking Rafe's hand to confirm the deal.

"And if you ever cross me again --," I gasp as Rafe pulls out a knife stabbing him in the side, I definitely didn't see that, I guess we're not going for twenty-five percent. Vargas suddenly fires his gun. I guess this escape is going to be harder than we expected. I still can't believe he did that.

We all turn towards the door, once we hear banging, the guards definitely heard the gunfire, "Follow me," Rafe announces grabbing the key's from Vargas suite before heading to the other door, I grab Nates arm pulling him so he'll follow, I can't believe this is happening like this.

It took quite some time to get away from all the guards firing at us by running across  the roofs but this time something didn't go to plan, "Sam!" I shout over to him as he hides from the bullets.

"C'mon! I'll pull you up!" Nate shouts and Nate does what he says and starts to pull him up just as bullets hits Sam, I gasp as I look at him, blood comes out of his mouth just as Sam fell, tears filled my eyes as I witness the death of my best friend, I couldn't believe it, he's gone and I'll never see him again.

"N-Nate, come on we got to go," I say before pulling him up and followed Rafe to the boat, leaving the prison and leaving Sam, I mourn over my best friend, he's been there for me for almost everything. I can't believe he's gone.

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