Chapter 7-Reveal

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The crucifix lay in the middle of the table as we all sit around the table, we, somehow managed to escape, I'm still surprises. Everything went to shit which, in fact, didn't surprise me, at all. Nate and Sam have always had a way to gain attention, I'll never understand but it must run in the family along with them breaking everything.

"Okay," Sam says, putting his drink down to grab the crucifix so he could break it. Sam looks at us all as we watch him lift up a hammer, "I hope I don't go to hell for this," Sam hits the top part of the crucifix which is hanging off the side of the table with the hammer, breaking it in half.

"Shit," I hear Sam whisper, "It's empty,"

"Sam.... what do you mean it's empty?" I ask in shock, we just risk our lives for some crucifix with NOTHING in it. We all lean in as Sam starts shaking the crucifix and a piece of paper falls out, I groan and lean against my chair, I should have known he was messing with us.

"Ah, you're such an asshole," Nate announces as Sam laughs, "He's your brother," Sully says shaking his head, not believing Sam had just done that. Nate and I should have known, especially Nate. Should have realised he still had that sense of humor.

"I feel sympathy for you Nate, real sympathy," I tell him and smirk at Sam as he raises an eyebrow at me before we all turn back to the paper that had just come out of the crucifix. "All right, skull and crossbones. Very good sign," Sully says and I nod agreeing.

"That's Avery's insignia... What is this?" 

I lean forward to have a look to see two swords crossing, Avery's insignia, two dates 1659-1699 and... "Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso," Sam reads from the paper, I look at them in confusion, why did everything have to been in a different language, thankfully Nathan decided to translate it.

"Today you will join me in Paradise,"

"--In Paradise. It's what Jesus said to Saint Dismas on the Cross but... What about these numbers here? What do you make of this?" Sam asks and we all looked closer and Sully says it's codes or a phone number.

"Could they be dates?" I ask and Nate agreed with me but Sam and Sully look confused as ever. Nate grabs the paper turning it and started explaining. "Look...1659,"

"That's the year Avery was born," Sam announces, I smile and pulled the paper towards me and pointing to the other date, "1699... understand now?" I ask and they both slowly got the message. "By most accounts, yeah, but... That means we have date of birth, date of death and 'Paradise'. Which means we're looking for... Avery's grave,"

"At Saint Dismas; Cathedral..." Nate announces getting up out of his seat walking over to grab a small book, showing it to us starting to explain that the symbols could be found on Scottish gravestones, old Scottish gravestones.

"Now, look at this... The layout of this place is really unusual... Here's the cathedral. But the graveyard... is way over here,"

"So Rafe was looking at the wrong part?" I ask, looking between Sam and Nate who nod, "Guys. We're going to Scotland," Sam says, which in a way I wasn't too pleased about since I hate the cold and since it's in the UK it's pretty cold, especially this time of year.

"You do realise that Rafe knows you're coming?" Sully asks holding his cigar in his right hand, I lean my head onto my hand as I think about what I saw at the auction, what was he doing there? He has never had an interest in that kind of things, maybe I was just seeing things, my imagination has been messing with me for the last few days, I just hope it was my imagination.

I jump as I notice a hand come in front of my face, I shake my head as I snap out of my thoughts, I look around to see Nate had gone outside. "Are you all right?" Sam asks I gulp slightly before nodding my head. "Y- yeah... I'm fine... I'm going to bed... see you lot in the morning," I say and moved towards my own room which is right next door to the room we were once in.

I walk towards the bed, removing my oxfords, throwing them to the other side of the room before changing into some pajamas before lying down on the bed, my head near the edge of the bed, trying to get the person I might have saw at the Auction.

"What's going on?" I gasp and sat straight up turning to look at the door to see Sam leaning again the door frame, of course, he knew I lied, he always knows. "Nothing... Nothing, everything's fine," I say, nodding to myself before lying back down.

A minute after I feel the bed sink down, I look over to see Sam lying next to me. "Ivory... I know your lying... Tell me the truth. What's wrong?"

I stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before turning back to look at Sam who is waiting for me to tell him, "At the auction," I start to say as I sit up and look at the floor, "I think but I'm not positive... I saw my father,"

I look at Sam to see he had an angry look on his face, a tear rolls down my face as everything of my childhood flows back into mind, all my life I've been trying to forget all that my parents had done to me and I did but now I've seen him again they've come back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam question still pretty angry that I mentioned my father, "I wanted to keep it to myself... I'm not sure if it's just my imagination," I tell him as I wipe away the fallen tears, I really hope it was my imagination... for all he's done to me, I really don't want to see him again.

Hey, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating, updates will be slow for the next month since college year is finishing and I need to finish off my work, not only that, I have an exam coming up for English which I need to concentrate on, so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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