Chapter 6-Auction Part 2

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I look up to see Nate and Sam coming back, throughout this time waiting I've been really paranoid since seeing the person early, I've been looking through the crowd ever since, "Hey, Ivory? Are you all right?" I hear Sam asks, I look at him and nod and sent him a fake smile, I glare down at me, he must know that I'm lying but he decides not to question it.

"All right... let's try this again," Sully says once Nate opens the cellar door, "We'll still need these," Sully announces showing us some ear pieces, we all take one, "Perfect," I say as I stick the bud into my left ear.

Sully opens the door wider for the two men to go through but before Sam could go, I quickly grab his wrist, he turns to look at me, "Be careful," I say and kissed his cheek before Sam walks after Nate before Sully and I watched the auction.

Sully and I walk through the crowd, stopping once we got a good view, Sully takes a drag out of his cigar, just as I hear a woman's voice come from behind us, "Hands in the air," We both turn around, to see a woman in red, large, curly hair. 

"Hi, Victor," She says and Sully smiles and replies back, "Hello, Nadine. Pleasure to see you again,"

"Only this time, I've got the drop on you," The woman, I now know as Nadine says, I look up at Sully, I wonder how this woman. "Well, I guess I should be glad that's not a real gun. Hardly recognise you outta your fatigues," Sully says and Nadine agrees, she must prefer wearing trousers than a shirt and definitely more of a trousers girl.

"Oh, who may this be?" Nadine asks as she looks towards me, she holds her hand out for me to shake, "Nadine Ross," I place my hand in hers and shook her hand as I introduced myself "Ivory, Ivory Anderson," 

"I was on my way to the bar. Can I get you two something?" She asks looking in between me and Sully, I shake my head at this moment, I'm not in the mood for drinking. "Yeah, scotch -- on the rocks," Sully says and Nadine walks away towards the bar.

"Nate. You catch all that?" Sully asks through the ear piece as I look around again and noticed the same figure from earlier, "Iv, are you sure you're alright?" Sully asks once he noticed me staring.

"Um... not really... I-I'll tell you later. You know what? I think I need a drink actually," I say and walked towards the bar just as Nadine starts walking back with her and Sully's drink. I stand by the bar grabbing a glass of red wine before heading back to Sully, I turn to see Sam walking around now in a waiter's outfit, he winks at me causing me to blush slightly, I tried my hardest to hide it but I think Sam notices.

"We'll that's ex-partner. No, I've been flying solo for a while now," I hear Sully say, he smiles once I stand next to him, taking a sip of my wine as Sully and Nadine carry on their conversation about Nate.

"Oh, no. More like "retired" Last I heard, he settled down, got married," Sully announces just before another voice startles me, a voice I didn't think I would hear again. "Well, then he might as well be dead right?"

I look over to see a very familiar man from years ago standing in front of me in a white suit. "Victor Sullivan! How the hell are you?" The man I remember from the prison from years ago, Rafe.

"How long has it been? Ten years? Twelve?" Rafe asks after shaking Sully's hand. "Fifteen," Sully tells him before Rafe turns his attention to me. "Aww... one person I'd never expect to see again. The beautiful Ivory Anderson, great seeing you again,"

"You too, Rafe," I say, sending him a fake smile. Really I'm not happy seeing him again, he's definitely the last person I wanted to see. "All these years gone by, here we are -- we're still haggling over dead people's junk," Rafe laughs, Sully and I look at each other for a second before looking back at Rafe.

"Really?" I ask as Sully finishes off what I was going to say, "Aren't you running your parents' business?"

"My business now. But yes, that is my day job," Rafe replies, I nod my head before looking behind me, I gulp once my eyes connected with the figure from early, why is he here? How is he still alive?

I ignore the conversation happening in front of me as I try to get those eyes out of my head, the eyes that are filled with anger, the anger I remember from a long time ago, the pair of brown eyes I never wanted to see again!

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the woman announcing "In a few moments we'll begin bidding on our next item... an inlaid wooden crucifix from the Trott Estate," It's the crucifix, it's next, I hope Nate hurries up, I look behind me to see Sam walking over to the stage getting ready to grab it.

Suddenly I turn back once I hear some glass shatter, I look down to see glass down by my black oxfords, I'm suddenly grabbed and pulled away from the seen, I look over my shoulder to see Rafe glaring at us. This guy needs some serious help.

"Sam? Sully? Ivory? You there?" I hear Nate say through the ear piece, I sign in relief, "Oh thank god you're all right, where are you?" I ask, making sure to ask quietly so I didn't grab anyone's attention.

"I made it. Had a few close calls, but-"

"Yeah, well if you're gonna cut the power, now would be a good time," Sully says, I look back to the stage and see the woman getting ready for the bids, "All right, well, I'm gonna need a minute before I can reach the panel,"

"Nate, we don't have a minute," I say as I look over to Rafe who is standing next to Nadine, watching the woman on the stage, he's determined to get that crucifix. I hold my breath as the person from early walks straight past me, staring down at me with a smirk. I look over to Sam, to see he staring at me with a worried look on his face.

I smile once I realised that Sully has started bidding, giving Nate more time, "You know we could ruin his day," I whisper to Sully with a smirk causing him to chuckle and carry on bidding. "All right, guys- I'm at the switch. You ready?" I hear Nate asks.

"As I'll ever be. Victor? Ivory?" Sam asks, "I definitely am," I reply before turning to look at Sully who removes his cigar out of his mouth, "Just a sec," He says and bids again, I have no idea what he is up too.

"The gentleman's bid: two hundred thousand euros," The woman says  and Rafe of course bid causing the crowd to gasp at his bid five hundred thousand, the woman asks Sully if he wanted to bid again, this caused everyone to look at him, Sully and I look over to Rafe, Sully gestures to Rafe that it's his.

"Had me worried there for a minute," Rafe says, "Thought I might have to kill you," this caused everyone to laugh, not realising that what he said is true, he would have killed us, "Like Ivory said, let's ruin this assholes day,"

Just as the woman was about to announce to Rafe that he got the crucifix the light go out, it didn't take long at all for the lights to come on and for people to realise the crucifix had disappeared.

I playfully wave at Rafe as I walk through the door, following after Sully out of the building, I chuckle as I hear Rafe yells from the other side. That was fun!

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