Chapter 23

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   It had been three months since Zora's contact with the Blade of Marmora, in the time since then Kiba had been teaching Zora to fight. She could handle a Galra blade now, with enough skill to disarm most Galra Soldiers. Kiba said it was important that she be able to defend herself in case she was ever attacked and he wasn't around.

  But three days ago, Voltron had attacked the Warship. Blowing it nearly in half, and Zora had nearly been sucked out into space. Kiba had grabbed her and they'd spent the next four hours in an air vent. It would have been awkward being that close to anyone but Kiba, but Zora didn't mind since she'd known Kiba most of her life. 

  The Emperor had been seriously injured in a battle with Voltron, and now Zora's father was in critical condition. She simmered quietly with rage, she wanted her father's tyranny to end, but she didn't want him to die.

  Zora finished buttoning up the back of her dress. It was a dark blue, nearly black, with long sleeves and a tight bodice. She strapped one of her swords to her back, letting the hilt of the blade rest between her shoulder blades. Then Zora pulled a net of silver and black metal over her hair, part of it rested between her eyes, ending in a black jewel. The rest hung over her curly black hair, the silver metal matching the twin hoops that Zora had put through her ears. 

  Once she was dressed Zora stood up, forcing her back to be as straight as possible. She walked out from behind her curtain and into her room. Kiba was leaned against the wall, twirling a knife. The silver of the knife glinting in and out of light from the nearby star systems. 

 "Kiba, let's go," Zora said, striding for the door. She'd taken as much care as she could to look strong, to look like a leader. Haggar said it was important for the Galra soldiers to see that they still had a strong leader. The Druid still made all of the decisions, Zora was just a name, just a face.

 Kiba nodded, silently following Zora down the halls of the warship and to the medical bay. Her father was in a secluded ward, so Zora knocked quietly, waiting for Haggar to answer.

 "Come in Princess, Come in..."

 Kiba pushed the door open and held it open as Zora strode past him and into the medical bay. Emperor Zarkon was in critical condition, unconscious in a medical pod. 

 "How is he Haggar?"

"Same as yesterday Princess, his condition is still unstable," The Druid answered, her face shadowed in her hood. 

 Zora nodded, taking a shaky breath and sitting down on a bench next to her father. All her life Zora had been slightly scared of her father, it was like living with a wild animal, not sure when it would lash out. Zora's father had been like that, dangerous, frightening. But looking down at him now, laying there, he seemed so helpless. When he was awake his eyes were sharp and angry, he stood taller than any other Galra and radiated power. Laying here, unconscious and maybe dying, he looked almost peaceful. 

 There had been a time when Zora would have been glad to see her father put where he couldn't hurt anyone, but now more than anything she wanted her father to wake up. To stand at the head of his army and give his soldiers command. Instead he lay there, dead to the world, and unable to defend himself. If an assassin from the Blade of Marmora were to come in here, they could kill her father in his sleep.

 Thinking of that, Zora cleared her throat, "Kiba, I want the guard at the door doubled."

 Kiba saluted, "Yes Princess. At once."

  She could hear Kiba's sharp voice giving orders to the guards outside. Zora tuned them out, staring down at her father. Voltron had done this to him, The Blade of Marmora did this to her father. Nearly killed him. Zora didn't want to hurt anyone, she disliked violence. She wasn't sure what she would do if her father died. Wasn't sure if she should go after the Blade of Marmora, or if the universe would be better off without the Galra ruling over it. 

 Zora was just so confused, so unsure of what to do. She couldn't rule this Empire, wouldn't be a strong enough ruler to hold such a massive empire together. Before this, she'd thought about ways she would improve the Empire, make it better for everyone. Stop prisoners of war being used as slaves, stop the destruction of innocent planets, allow the Galra soldiers to stop fighting and to live their lives. Have families, be happy. Maybe that would be enough to save her people, as they were dying out. But now that her father was incapacitated, she was still powerless. Couldn't make any decisions or change anything.

 Tears welled in Zora's soft yellow eyes, and then began rolling down her cheeks. Soon she was sobbing, tears burning her eyes. She was just so confused, so hurt. Zora could hear Kiba whispering orders at Haggar and other Druids, telling them to leave, to give Zora some time with her father. 

  She slumped forward, hiding her face in her hands. Still crying, like a confused child. She felt a strong hand on her back, rubbing her shoulders gently. Zora didn't turn, just kept crying, because it was all she could do. Because she was weak... weak and completely useless. 

 "I... I couldn't do anything. I'm weak... I couldn't protect my Father. And I can't save my people," Zora sobbed, hiccuping. 

  Turning around, she buried her face against Kiba's chest. Kiba's strong arms wrapped around Zora, and one hand rested lightly on top of her head.

 "It's alright Princess... Your not weak. You are going to save your people, and your Father is going to recover," Kiba said gently.

  Zora stopped crying, sniffling, still pressed against Kiba's armor. She felt safe, sitting here, with Kiba's arms wrapped around here. After spending most of her life jumping at shadows on the Galra warship and being absolutely terrified of her own father, very few things could make Zora feel completely safe. Kiba always made Zora feel safe, secure.

 "You are so strong Princess. Stronger than you know and sooner of later you'll realize it."


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