Chapter Four

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Chapter Four 

“You what?” Sam screeched, and I fought the urge to cover my ears. I clapped a hand over her mouth instead, shushing her. “Don’t tell the whole damn world!” I fought, but I knew that this was not the end. Her eyes were blown wide and she pushed my hand away and started talking. “You made a deal with Niall, over jealousy, because you hate each other?” I nodded, starting to feel a little sick as I plopped down on my bed. It’d been three days, classes start tomorrow, and I didn’t hadn’t seen a single flicker of Niall around campus, or his frat boy goons. I was too busy going through hell week and trying to have a good start to my semester.

“Well, what are you going to do?” She asked, and I shrugged, watching as she flopped down on her bed as well. “I guess I’ll just go with it. He’s not that hard to resist.” She snorted. “Yeah, that’s what you’re saying now.” I rolled my eyes. “Really. I mean, he’s pig-headed and arrogant and a stuck-up asshole. The only thing going for him are his good looks and his accent.” I said, and Sam laughed. “So you admit he’s attractive?” “Well, obviously! Look at him!” I said, and we both went into a fit of giggles. Then there was a knock on the door.

“Who the hell-” I started, aware that I was in a little tank top and short-shorts, my makeup off and my hair pulled back. It was only seven, but I was in for the night, studying. I pulled open the door, ready to chew someone out, when I saw that it was Louis. “Lou!” I said, pulling the door open and dragging him inside. “Hey, Charley.” He said, his usual pep gone. Sam was sat up on her bed now, her eyebrows pulled together. “What’s up?” I asked as he walked over and laid out on my bed, facedown. “I think that I screwed something up with Harry.” He said, and I could hear him pouting. “Awww.” I cooed, climbing on the other side of him and rubbing his back. “What happened?” I asked.

“Well, Harry is really protective of me, right?” He said, rolling over so that his head rested in my lap and my fingers were in his hair. “Right.” I said, but Louis kept going. “So, we’re having a mixer this weekend for the ladies, you know, you guys, and I was supposed to go out to get drinks. Well, I went out with Josh, because he was also on drink-duty, and Harry saw us coming back and I was apparently ‘giggling at him like a little school girl’. I hate it when he calls me names like that. And then we got into an argument and I said-I said something really mean.” He said, getting quiet at the end, fiddling with his fingers.

“What did you say, Lou?” I asked, pushing my glasses up my nose. He huffed, rolling his eyes to the wall. “Louis…” I warned, and he grumbled out something I couldn’t understand. “What was that?” “I called him a Twinkie.” He said. I couldn’t help it. I busted out laughing.

Louis, obviously offended at my outburst, sat up and gave me a menacing glare. I slapped a hand over my mouth, fighting for control. “Sorry, sorry. Just…don’t you think you could have picked something more…mature?” I snickered. He only rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean a Twinkie like the snack-cake, it’s gay slang. It means someone who-someone who lacks substance and is vain and shallow and boring. And he got really offended because he’s struggled with bullies calling him that since he was younger. I wish I hadn’t done it and it just really upset him.” He said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “So he left the house and he hasn’t been back for a few hours and I’m really worried about him.” His voice broke on the last word, so I moved next to him and put my arm around him. “It’s okay, boo. Here-I’ll call him.” I said, getting up and reaching for my phone.

I scrolled through until I reached the number he gave me when we were hanging out this past week and clicked on it. He answered after a few rings, in which Louis rolled over and face the wall, coddling my pillow.

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