Chapter 1 - Meet Me

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I dread today: my 21st birthday. That means I have to meet my suitor, the one I must marry. I don't even want to get married! I know my parents probably just assigned me to a girl, even though they know for a fact I'm gay. Er, "queer" as they say it.

"Happy birthday!" Hide shouts at me. I jump in surprise. "Actually, this isn't the happiest birthday ever," I reply. Hide gives me a confused look. Then, his mouth makes an 'o' shape. "Oh, your 21st birthday. Good luck! Hopefully your parents assigned you to a hot guy," Hide says with a wink.

"I doubt it, they don't really like the fact that I find guys attractive. Plus, it's basically tradition for my family to go for wealthy girls," I explain. Hide shrugs, "Maybe you can get a lucky cross dresser." "Not a chance," I tell him.

Maybe I could get a girl that's more masculine than feminine? No, I can't. My parents probably chose one of the richest girls in Tokyo.

Hide and I arrive at our usual hang out spot, "Big Girl's." It's American style, but good. Americans can do some things right.

Hide and I sit at a booth. "Maybe this can take your mind off the whole suitor ordeal," he insists. "Maybe," I say, not making eye contact.

Then, one of the perky female waitresses come up to us. "Hello! My name is Haruko, can I take your order?" she asks. "Yes, Haruko, you can! Two hamburger steaks, one with an egg on it!" Hide replies. Damn, he's so confident. No wonder people love him.

"Your suitor will love you," I tell Hide. "Yeah, maybe," he replies. "Don't be so modest! I know they will love you!" I say. He just rolls his eyes and stares into space.

Haruko brings our food to us. Hide starts eating immediately. I'm nervous about this, so I slowly eat. Plus, I'm half ghoul, if you didn't already know.

Force yourself, Kaneki. You can throw it up later.....

"Kaneki, don't let this suitor thing get to you! It's not that bad," Hide assures me.

Yeah, let's hope he's right.

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