Chapter 6 - Nickname

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Kaneki's POV

Soon, Hide goes home. I'm still a bit flustered due to mine and Tsuki's first kiss. It felt great and awkward. Great, because I was kissing someone I am actually attracted to. Awkward because, well, it was a first kiss! It always feels awkward!

"So, do you want to sleep in my room, or on the couch?" I ask Tsukiyama. "Well, usually the couple sleeps in the same room and/or bed. But, I'll go with whatever you're most comfortable with," he explains. I'd rather sleep in the same room....but, what would it be like if I did share a bed with him?

Screw it, there's a first time for everything. "Why don't we share the same bed? It can't be that bad," I reply with a smile. Tsukiyama agrees. "Follow me," I tell him. I lead him to my bed room. Hopefully he'll like it and won't judge me!

"Beautiful," Tsukiyama compliments, making me blush a little. "Thanks. My Mom has really helped me design it," I reply. Then, Mom comes into the room. "You better not do anything in here tonight," she smirks.

My face flushes red once again. Tsukiyama and I share a look. "Um, Mom, Tsuki and I just met. We wouldn't do anything like that......yet," I awkwardly explain to her.

Tsukiyama nods in agreement, "Yes, Madam. I would never touch your son in that way unless he wanted it." Way to go, Tsukiyama. "Okay, just making sure," Mom says and walks out of the room.

"Really, Tsuki?" I ask him. He nods, raising an eyebrow, "Of course. And, what's with the nickname: Tsuki?" "Um, I just came up with it. It was easy. I made since your name is sooooo long!" I reply.

"Can I make a nickname for you?" Tsukiyama asks. I nod; this will be hard for him. "I'll call you......Mon Cher." "What?" I ask. What the hell does Mon Cher mean? "Mon Cher means "My Dear" in French," Tsukiyama explains. Don't you study it?" "No," I reply, "I wasn't informed to."

"You should've been. And you should've been told to study Italian since I will say phrases in both of those languages," Tsuki says. So I have a boyfriend that speaks foreign languages? Cool!

I look up at the clock; it's already 9:38?! How long did all of this take? Time flies when you're having fun. "So, um, Tsuki, don't you think we should get to sleep? I mean, it is getting late," I tell Tsuki. He nods, "Of course."

Tsuki and I quickly get ready for bed. I get in it first, awaiting for Tsuki to join me. I'm a little nervous about this. This is the first time I've actually done something like this!

After anticipating it for a while, Tsukiyama joins me in bed. I do allow him to wrap his arms around me protectively. It feels.....amazing. And comfortable. Maybe this was meant to be.

"Good night, Kaneki."

"Goodnight, Tsuki."

"I love you."

Wait, what do I say back? Of course, I love him too, but this will be so awkward! How do I say it? It will feel awkward saying it to someone I just meant. But, he is my suitor and I should love him. In fact, as I said, I do love him.

"I-I love yo-you too."

Way to go, Kaneki. You stuttered! Before I can complain about it any longer, sleep takes over me. This day has been amazing! I've met who I will marry in the future, had my first kiss, and am actually sharing a bed with someone! Things can only get better now!

What if I made one of the fothermuckers die?

Video Above - Nightcore - I Need Your Love (Pentatonix) [Lyrics]
Video By - Midelae Nightcore

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