Chapter 8 - First Date

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Kaneki's POV

"So, Tsuki," I ask as we walk, "where are we going?" After we both got up and got dressed, Tsukiyama literally dragged me out of the house. I refused to go anywhere at first, but I know I'm kind of excited to go.

"I can't tell you yet. It's a surprise," he replies, ticking me off. Why can't he cut the shadiness and just tell me? It feels like he's taking me somewhere to seduce me or something. But, since I barely know him, he could be doing just that.

Finally, we arrive in front of a fancy building. "What is this place?" I ask as we approach a cheerful doorman. "This," Tsukiyama replies, "is the Ghoul Restaurant. I was told that you are part ghoul. Is that correct?" I nod, "I am a half ghoul, but I don't really like eating humans unless I absolutely have to." "After today's feast, you will definitely become more fond of human flesh," Tsuki says, smiling in an evil manner.

Tsukiyama leads me to a strange hallway. It's very dark. Usually in scary movies this is where someone dies. Are one of us about to die? I have a feeling someone is going to die! There has to be something lurking in the shadows.

While worrying and walking blindly, I bump into Tsukiyama. "Kaneki?" He asks. "Y-Yeah," I stutter out. This is creepy. "Why are we in a dark hallway again?" "For this," Tsukiyama replies, opening a door.

Light shines brightly in my eyes. Tsukiyama takes my hand and guides me out of the dark hallway. He then leads me to the edge of a balcony. I notice everyone around is is dressed fancily and wearing masks. No wonder he told me to dress nice!

Tsuki and I stop at the edge of the balcony. I look over and see a large floor with blood and scratches all over it. What in the hell did Tsukiyama bring me to see?

"What happens here?" I question. "We will see a show. A Scrapper will try to kill however many humans are put in the arena. After the show, us ghouls get to eat what's left of the dead humans. It is prepared my Tokyo's finest," Tsukiyama explains. This takes having dinner and a show to a whole new meaning.

"So we watch people die?" I ask.

"Yes, what's with all of these questions?"

"Um, uh. I'm just, curious."

Tsukiyama smiles at me. The thought of seeing people being mangled makes me have a sickening feeling in my stomach. Am I really about to watch people be ripped apart by a thing called a Scrapper?

"Good evening, Ghouls!" A disembodied voice calls out, interrupting my thoughts. I look down and see four humans. They look terrified and confused. I wish that they knew their terrible fate. This is all too cruel! Why can't these other Ghouls see that?!

"For tonight's special," the voice rambles on. It sounds masculine. "We have Mr. TR's offering!" A man brags about how his offer should be exquisitely delicious. That must be Mr. TR. I hope he sees how cruel this is.

"And to his right, we have Mr. PG's offering!" The voice says. Then, another man boasts about the offering. That's Mr. PG. He picked the worst person to be an offering. She looks disgusting!

"And to her right, we have Mr. VB's offering!"

"Ah, yes, a fit, young woman that I kept exercised and fed healthily. She should be a good feeding!" VB brags. I'm not so sure if she will be that delicious, but everyone has their own opinion.

"And finally, to her right, we have Mr. MM's offering!"

Tsukiyama smiles. "He should be a good meal! I kept him fed and well fallen care of! Enjoy him!" Wait, Tsukiyama is in on this cruel investment? What the hell? Wait, when did he bring this person in? Earlier? It had to be earlier in the week. He didn't bring anyone with us on our so called date. I can't believe I've been brought to a murder party for a date.

Finally, this big guy comes out of a hole. All of the offerings look like deer in headlights. The thing that's probably a Scrapper runs towards the humans. They scatter, but one gets snatched up. The Scrapper begins to tear him apart. Everyone around me cheers while I stare in absolute horror! This is worse than a slaughter house!

The other three stay far apart. That probably will work for a little while. One darts across the floor, just to be grabbed by the neck by the Scrapper. With one quick movement, the poor innocent human's neck is snapped. The sickening crack echoes through the room, exciting most of the other Ghouls. I am the only sane person here!

"How do you like this?" Tsuki asks, excitement in his voice. "I fucking hate it!" I reply in horror. He gives me a look of disapproval. "We won't do this ever again. Let's just at least finish this show, please?" He asks. "Fine, this better be quick," I reply.

Sure enough, it is. Both other offers died a similar death to the second victim. Each snapped neck excited the Ghouls. It made me sick. I don't think I'll be able to touch the meat after this.

"Let's go eat!" Tsukiyama says enthusiastically. I sigh and follow him. I don't care where we're going, but I hope it's not another place like this. This was terrible!

Worst. Date. Ever.

I got new band merch today! I'm so happy! ❤❤❤

Video Above - Black Veil Brides: "Love Isn't Always Fair" Lyrics
Video By - xBVBArmyUnitedx

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