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"Umm...did we miss anything?" Ash said whilst catching his breath.

He wasn't telling a lie when he said we had to rush. The campus was huge. It took us another 10 minutes. Freaking 10 minutes just to reach the grounds! We passed to a shit load of classes and dorms on the way. He didn't have time to explain all of them so maybe I'll a tour of this humongous place later. Snapping out of my thoughts I listened to what Aly was saying.

"You're right on time . It is just going to start. Thank God Bry, didn't meet up with us. "

"Can someone please tell what is his show about?" I asked curiously.

"You know curiosity killed the cat,Jane" Skylar said with a smirk.

"But satisfaction brought it back" I said quite knowingly nodding my head with it.

"Well I guess' you would just have to wait and watch-"

"Is he going to strip? Is he you know-" My sentence and pervy thoughts were cut short as the screeching noise of the mic filled the air.

The air then filled with cheers,whistles and squeals of fangirls. This guy must be really good with his show or is really hot. I think the latter.

"Why does he have to wear a mask? " Someone behind me commented.

Confused I shifted my gaze towards the stage and realised that the whole stage was blurred by the smokemachine. Something or rather someone was emerging from the center. As the center asscended upwards silence started falling amongst the crowd.

Few seconds later I knew why.
A strange yet mesmerizing tune began to float around. It was slow yet overwhelming. Piano, the person is playing piano. So alluring and calming. So soft yet holding so much power.

A spotlight shone. I saw a grand brown piano and a boy around our age with jet black hair playing it. His face was covered with a feathered mask the one we wear in masquarede. The mask matched his suit which I could tell was definately expensive and designer.

He looks like a prince, my conscience squealed.

Masked Prince. I corrected.

He moved his hand with so much grace and poise that even a peacock couldn't beat it. His fingers seemed to have mastered the playing.

Everyone was charmed and slowly swayed side to side with the flow of the music. I stiffled a yawn. I was feeling sleepy already.

"Now Jane isn't that so beautiful." Zach murmured lightly.

"Yeah!" I replied nodding my head.

"Bryson has been doing this show for last 2 years. And people here are addicted to him."

So the name is Bryson. He looks divine though , while playing the piano. *dreamy sigh*

Shut up conscience you are not needed. Go away.


"For passion or for money?"

"You have seen how big an majestic is the campus. It is very expensive to maintain it. So you may guess what kind of people can afford to come here."

"I guess its passion then."

My eyes were getting droopy.

"Why does he wear a mask?" I asked curiously.

"What do you think?"

"Probably, he is scared to face the world.?"

"No. He-"

"Can you guys go talk somewhere else?" Someone from behind snapped.


I noticed that it wasn't just me but nearly all the audience were yawning. It was not that the music was boring but it was like lullaby.So sweet to ears.

Somewhere in middle of playing Bryson had atarted singing. His voice was so deep and masculine it felt the God had himself joined his vocal cords.

"Why are all people sleepy because the singing and playing is not at all boring?" Iasked in a low tone not wanting to be snapped at again.

"This is where you have questioned right Jane." Piyali replied softly. "This is not your normal recital. You belong to a wizard school that means you have some powers that defines you better than others. Every single person present on this campus has some amazing talent and individuality. Bryson belongs to those group who have rare but when misused the darkest powers. When he performs people listening are captured by its emotion not the words. They are sometimes thrown into their biggest fears or sometimes into fantasies they want to make true. Memories are things that clings to u all the time. His emotion makes them relive their memories. Whether good or bad. So if you find some people crying or behaving abnormally don't be surprised. His music does that to people." She finished.

Impressed, shock , speechless I was feeling too many emotions at the same time. Who knew that music held such tremendous power that it could be your drug. Healing yet killing at same time.

The drowsiness was too much for me to hold back my sleep. So I welcomed the abyss of darkness open handed.

What i saw left me completely shook.

I just wish it remains my greatest fear. Because I definately wasn't going to survive it in real life.


Heya fellas. I am soo sorry I hadn't updated for nearly two months. I had my final exams which just finished.

There will now be regular updates. I promise.

So I had written about goals in my last a/n. So this chapters goal is
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Hope you like this chapter. Keep voting and commenting. Toodles.😘

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