The Beachhouse

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"Are we done yet?" Tasha sulked for the hundredth time. "No we aren't! Now calm down woman.I need clothes to wear to your beach house and  don't forget it was your AWESOME idea to leave for your beach house tomorrow! Now stop sulking it should  not take long now. I am almost done."Fineee" she drawled.

Half an hour later our hands full with bags and food...(yeah we can't resist good food!) we were heading back to our houses to pack for tomorrow.

"Have packed everything sweety?" Mum asked. "Yes mom, I am no more a 5 year old child! I am 18 for heaven's sake!" She chuckled lightly at this "I know and I can't believe that my daughter has grown up so fast and beautiful." I could help but sigh seeing her glassy eyes. "Mom, I am just going for the weekend! Not for a lifetime. Stop getting so emotional! And yeah I love you" "I love you too. Now shoo Tasha must be waiting."
"Bye,mom" "buhbye, take care"

"Hello to you sexy! I should say you cleaned up nice." Tasha said  approvingly glancing me from her ray bans." You don't look bad yourself." I said looking down her flowy sundress. She looked beautiful. Her red hair were tied in a side braid. "Whatcha looking at?" I shook my head slightly and slid in her car.

"So who all are coming?" I asked.
" Ash, Dave and most probably the twins." "Cool".

After an hour's journey we finally reached Tasha's beach house/mansion. It majestically stood by the sea with its own private beach. It was going to be a lot of fun like always.Jamie,I and Tasha would come here many times during holidays!Practically it was our second home.

"Home sweet home" sighed Tasha stretching herself at an odd angle with a big yawn. "Geez girl close your mouth." "What!shut Up. Now let's stash our luggage and get ready for the beach till others arrive." "I call dibs on the beach facing room" I yelled lunging towards the stairs before Tasha to go up to the room. "Noooo that is fucking not fair" she groaned. "No swearing young girl" I said closing the door on my back and giggling at her childishness.

Keeping my luggage beside the bed I sighed and leisurely let my eyes intake the sight of the room. Same as before. Nothing had changed. The oak tea table by the balcony the loveseat in one corner and the queen sized bed in center of the room. When Jamie was still her it would be very difficult for me to pursue him to leave this room. Taking my black halter neck bikini, a tank top and pair of denim shorts I went to take a shower.

After getting dressed up I went down again to see a blond bob of hair popping up and down with earphones plugged in. Ash, she was the musical one. She consider it her safe haven.

"He Ash what's up girl? Listening to some other uptown
. funk or what" I asked jokingly. "Nah just the old shit" she smiled replying.

"Hey Jay" a familiar voice called me from behind. "Dave!" Excited I ran and jumped on his back "You're back. I missed you so much doofus!" "I missed my Jay too." He said ruffling my hair affectionately. Dave was like a big brother I never had. He was there all the damn time with me after Jamie disappeared. Whether I was feeling high or low he was always there to support me. Always patiently handled all my mood swings. I really owed him big time.

"So how was Hawaii?" "Beautiful" he smirked. "I meant the place not girls, idiot"  with that I smacked the back of his head and ran away to kitchen laughing. "Run for your life because when I catch you you will be as good as dead" he said glancing at me dangerously. Fuck. I knew that expression very well. I had to get away from him NOW.
"Wohooo a showdown I'm with my man Dave" chirped in Tyler, one of the twins grinning wildly.
"Nah ah  this time Jane will win." Taylor his twin sister replied. "And why do you think so?" "Because my dear little brother..." "Only by a minute!" Ty replied "tsk tsk don't interrupt me Lil brother. So we are going to win because..." "No, nobody is going to win because I don't want my house to be broken just as yet! Remember you people's last fight.. I got grounded for a month cause of the antique vase uh broke!" Tasha reminded us casting a lingering at each of us "And I have made pizza so get your asses to the kitchen if you want some."

"You're such a buzz kill!" Taylor sulked. " But its forgiven as long as we get pizza" Tyler happily piped.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. We swam for sometime and played volleyball in which unfortunately Ash and I lost. I was a hopeless player. The sun had already set and we all were sitting around a bonfire roasting our marshmallows and laughing at one of Dave's incredibles of Hawaii.

I looked longingly at the ocean hoping for this moment to last forever. For the first time in 6 months we were sitting carefree laughing our hearts out even on the silliest thing. We didn't need any drug to get us high we were just enough for us.


Hi people! So here's the second chapter. I hope you like it.Sorry I procrastinated .Keep voting and  commenting. Jane's outfit on top.

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