A Sudden Call For Help

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     Inside a house with books on herbs and medicine. Nowhere to sit and bearly anywhere to walk. A young girl with long red hair, tied up with a black ribbon, was leaning over a table working away.

     She would flip through a green book that was leaning against a pile of other herb books as a prop for it to stand on. Cut up the herb she had scattered around the table. Then grind them all into a bowl until it was a green paste, add a bit of water to make it a liquid. She brushed her bangs out of her reddish-brown eyes, as she carefully took a syringe out of a beaker full of blue liquid and transferred it to an empty test tube. She added a few drops of blood she had taken from herself awhile ago and watched as it turned purple meaning the blue posion had successfully mixed with her blood. She nodded to herself as she took the green liquid of ground herbs and poured some of it in the test tube. She waited for 5 seconds.
     "Coome oon..." She begged. Just then the purple and green miz started to turn red and she sighed. "There we go." She grabbed a pen and wrote into the book the mixture she had used. "3.26 Hemp root, not 4." She mumbled to herself as she bit the end of the pen, something she did out of habit.


     A knock at the door scared me and sent me falling backwards into a pile of books. "Oww.." I whined. I pushed the large books off of me when another knock came. "Yeah, I'm coming." I stood up and brushed the dust off of my clothes. I walked to the door and opened it squinting me eyes from the sun that peeked thru the trees. "Yes?" I asked as my eyes adjusted.
     "Yumiko, I need your help." An old voice said in a hurry.
     "Lady Chiyo?" I asked knowing the familiar voice of the old woman. Once my eyes adjusted I saw that the old woman had a worried look on her face. "You said you needed my help?"
     "Yumiko, the Kazakage's brother has been poisoned. We've tried everything to stop it but we can't." She explained. I nodded and motioned her inside.
     "What do you know about is so far?" I asked grabbing my trival case, that I had not used in many years, and put various herbs into it I thought I would need.
     "Not much, a leaf ninja had to cut into the skin and is trying to remove the poison with water as we speak. But she said it would only give him longer to live but not heal him completely." Chiyo said as she waited by the door to my messy, book covered living room.
     "Okay. Being able to take it out that way means it's in his blood system, so it's probably affecting the heart." I told her as I picked up the book from my table and put it into it's slot in the case. I closed the case and walked up to Lady Chiyo. "Alright lets go. If it's anything like I think it is he will need an antidote right away." I told her as we walked outside and I locked up my house.
     I stood next to Chiyo as she preformed the handsigns and teleported us outside the hospital in Sunagakure. I had to cover my eyes from the harsh sunlight of the desert as we walked in and headed down the halls.

     Lady Chiyo brought me to a room that had no door. Many people were in the room that I have never seen before, and in the middle of the room was a bed with a guy laying on it looking as if he was in much pain. A pink haired girl was leaning over him and using the water techneige Lady Chiyo had mentioned. I ignored everyone's curious stares and walked up to the girl who was about the same age as me, maybe even younger, and wore the leaf headband.
    "Are you the leaf ninja?" I asked just to make sure as I put my case on an empty table that Lady Chiyo had gotten for me. She took a quick glance at me allowing me to see the sweat on her brow from her fierce concentration.
    "Yeah. Who are you?" She asked me as she put the dirty water in a bowl full of more dirty water.
    "My name is Yumiko, I'm here to help." I told her. "Is that the poison?"
    "My name is Sakura and yeah it is." She said and I nodded as I opened my case.

    "What do you know so far?" I asked her as I set up the table with my test tubes and beakers. I took my syringe and took some of the poison out of the water and into a beaker.

    "Nothing really. He ran after his brother who had been kidnapped. When he was found, his puppets were shattered on the ground with him unconscious." She explained. I looked at the guy and saw the pain on his face which made me cringe feeling his pain. I looked up to a man with a cloth covering half of his face.

    "Can you get me a bowl of water?" I asked and he nodded, leaving the room as I turned to Lady Chiyo. "Can you get me a towel and some rubbing alcohol?" She also nodded and left the room. I turned to my book and opened it flipping through the pages. "Ebizo-jiisama, can you come here for a second?" I asked Lady Chiyo's brother who was just standing at the edge of the room. He blinked then walked over at the same time the other guy brought me the water. "Thank you." I took out a needle and turned to Ebizo. "Can I get your arm?" I asked. Knowing me from before he sighed and stuck out his arm. I took and elastic band that I had in my case and wrapped it around his arm. I quickly spotted the vein and inserted the needle taking out some of his blood. Once I was done I took out the needle and unwrapped the elastic giving him a cotton ball to hold to the puncture wound. He walked away as I put his blood into a test tube.

    "Why did you take his blood?" A blonde haired girl asked with concern.
    "Really I could take anyone's but, an elder's blood reacts more... extreme to poisons and antidotes." I told her as I got some of the poison and put it in the tube with the blood. The blood turned black because of the poison. Lady Chiyo then entered the room with the towel and alcohol I had asked for and handed it to me. I put the alcohol on the towel and then took some of the poison and placed it on the towel turning it a dark yellow. I turned to my book and flipped thorugh the pages again. Finding the right page I quickly read it and got the right ingredients out and started to cut the right amounts of each and placing them into my grinding bowl. I looked down at the bowl to see a bright yellow paste. I flipped though the book some more and found the page I was looking for. I rummaged through my case finding the right ingredient and took it out. I cut it into pieces making sure to put the steam aside and put the rest in the mixture and grinded it until the paste turned dark yellow. I took some of it and put it into the test tube with the blood. I picked it up and switched it around and watched as the blood turned black back to red.

    "There." I smiled and turned to Sakura. "It's ready." I told her. She looked to me and nodded, getting out of the way. I walked up to the guy on the bed and took the dark yellow paste and rubbed it onto his wound and over his chest.

        Once I was done I nodded to myself. "He has to rest for a bit but he should be good now." I took a glance at his face and saw that he was no longer in pain. I turned back to the rest of the paste and added water to it to make it a liquid and put it inside a bottle. I turned to Sakura and handed it to her. "Here, you'll make better use out of it than I will."
    "Thank-you." She said with a smile. Everyone else in the room thanked me too.

    "Yumiko, Thank you." The girl with blonde hair said, causing me to shake my head.
    "Thank, Sakura. If it wasn't for her he would have been dead long before I even got here." I told her and started packing up my stuff.
    "You're not staying?" She asked.
    "No, There is no reason I should be here anymore. Plus I've been away from home too long." I told her picking up my case and walking out of the room.

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