The loud whistle blows, a screech echoing off the walls.
"Don't flap your arms like a bird, bud!"
Queen shouts.
"Freestyle strokes!"Coughing on the water, I hold onto the side of the pool and try to calm my breathing.
"3 minutes."
I squeak.
"I thought you said I was getting better!""You're slightly improving."
"You can go a little faster than that."
Alexa says."I will drown, miss!"
"You're not going to drown, I've got you."
Commander sighs, before looking over at the woman.
"Don't you have other things to do?""No, I finished what I had to do."
"Well, bugging me isn't going to make teaching go by any faster."
The man huffs.
"Go boss all those idiots around outside.""Why would i wanna do that?"
"Because you'll have all the p-o-w-e-r."
"Good point."
She nods, walking away.
"Good luck, Sage!""Thank you, ma'am!"
"How long do I have to wear these?"
I ask, pointing the floaters on my arm."Until you succeed at your strokes."
He says.
"Ready to start again?""Yes, sir."
Commander Queen was teaching me how to swim in the indoor pool we had in Alexandria. He had specifically told everyone not to come in here, because important training was in process.
"I'm tired!"
I whine, pouting my bottom lip.
"Can we please stop?""No whining."
He scolds.
"We don't whine around me, okay?""Okay."
I nod.
"I'm just ready to stop.""What's going to happen when you're drowning and I can't get to you in time?"
"I'm probably goin' to die, I guess."
He shouts, nodding.
"Death is very serious."I'll be completely honest, it took me a really long time to get used to the whole floating and moving thing, and I still didn't have it down completely.
"Are you unfocused today?"
He asks.
"You seem off."He reaches his hand out to help me get out of the pool. I shake my butt a little bit to get some water off my bottoms and rub my eyes.
"It's almost been four weeks and daddy still isn't talkin' to me!"
The man sighs, looking me in the eyes.
"Your old man is stubborn, just give him some time and he'll get over it. Promise."

walsh ❈ carl grimes gay
FanfictionSage Walsh barely knows anything about his Dad's past. All he knows is that one day, Shane was very good friends with Rick, which only triggered a natural relationship between Sage, and the man's son, Carl, but the next day, they were no longer arou...