"It doesn't have to be anything big."
He says.
"A simple ceremony, family only if that's what you want.""Who do you wanna invite?"
"I'd probably stick with Kenna, honestly."
"Miss Alexa, Queen, Mr. Negan, Daddy, Carter, Jinx, Micah, and Fitz."
"If that's what you want, that's what I'll give you."
"That's what I want."
He grins, nodding as he takes Fletcher into his arms.
"Your wish is my command, love.""This is so exciting."
I smile.
"I-I... I don't know, it's just so cool!"We were talking about our future wedding, that we both hoped would come very soon since we're stronger than ever.
He was extremely determined to give me the dream I had always imagined, and I wasn't going to stop him.
The two of us had occasionally discussed marriage before, but only briefly. It wasn't until Daddy and Carter got married that we decided that we were both as serious as can be.
I had gotten Fletcher a tiny little suit for the ceremony, and he looked so adorable! Of course, he wanted to sleep in my arms the whole entire time, but it's the view that counts, right?
Once they were finally doing the official kiss in front of all of us, the tears just starting rolling for me. It was so beautiful, and it felt as if it was long over-due. I may be colorblind, but I can still see love! They've been in love with each other since basically day one, and I've been hoping for marriage since the very beginning!
I haven't seen Carl in months, probably half a year maybe a little less than that. I don't know much about what happened to him, he sort of just disappeared one day and no one ever heard anything about him again. He didn't come around, he didn't approach Rick, he never did anything.
The story is that Mr. Negan took a trip with him and Lucille, drove an hour or two out, and took him out. I can't even say it entirely false, but Mr. Negan had told me he would make him pay for what he did on multiple occasions, so in my mind, he got his brains busted up.
Everyone has their own different way of expressing what happened to Carl. Some people say he got bit and passed away somewhere outside the walls, and some people say he hung himself and no one has buried his body yet. All I know is that Mr. Negan was gone for two days, and when he finally came back home, he told me that everything was okay now.
They can think what they want, I can think what I want, but the only person who truly knows what happened... is Mr. Negan.
Speaking of the man, he's officially staying in Alexandria now! He and Rick were finally able to settle their differences around the time Fletcher was born, and it has expanded our community in a handful of ways. We're more gun heavy, overpowering, and protected. Three years ago I probably wouldn't have felt safe with the combination, but it's been treating us quite well.
That's pretty much all that has changed in the past few months, everyone is still taking it day by day and we're all doing our best to figure out the whole virus and our options. I hear there's talk about wanting to find a cure, but I'm sure that won't advance until years ahead.

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أدب الهواةSage Walsh barely knows anything about his Dad's past. All he knows is that one day, Shane was very good friends with Rick, which only triggered a natural relationship between Sage, and the man's son, Carl, but the next day, they were no longer arou...