iv. powers

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iv. Powers

First things first, a lot of powers we see in fanfics now are shape shifting, telekinesis, or super strength. It's all very repetitive, so I, the most favorite, Lucifer, shall give you new kinds of powers for your oc's

So you don't have a great book, but your oc is so powerful that it looks stupid and everyone won't stop complaining about it.

1) Power Augmentation:
Ability to enhance or weaken one's powers.

2) Power Mimicry:
ability to copy another's powers or skills

3) Acid Generation:
Ability to generate acid can be manifested through touch or as a spray.
(e.g. Acid spit, acid blood, etc.)

4) Biological Manipulation:
Ability to control all aspects of living creature's biological make-up. This includes, but not limited to, Genetic Alterations, Physical distortion/augmentation, healing, disease, and biological functions.

5) Body Part Substitutes:
Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another.
[i think it would be amazing for a Bucky fic]

6) Superhuman longevity:
To live longer than a normal human being
( not immortal you just live longer than a normal human and don't age much but you still die)

7) Merging:
Ability to temporarily merge two beings together to create a stronger being.
[ would be good for a twin fanfic, light and darkness type of shit ]

8) Self-Detonation or Explosion
and reformation:
Ability to explode one's body mass and reform, basically exploding someone's body and reform them.

9) Superhero Senses:
Ability to see, taste, smell, feel or hear more than a normal human being. Heighten senses

10) Night vision:
Ability to be able to see in pure darkness without using lights

11) Heat vision:
Ability to burn objects or individuals
oneswith one gaze.

12) Innate Capability:
Ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience.

13) Omni-Lingusim:
Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in many ways.

14) Omniscience:
Ability to know anything and everything.

15) Cross-dimensional Awareness:
Ability to detect actions and events in other demotions. This is occasionally used in comics as awareness of the fourth wall between the character and the artist or audience.

16) Empathy:
Ability to read or seone's emotions or control the emotions or feelings of others.

17) Spiritual Mediumship:
Ability to see or talk to the dead
(i.e., ghost )

18) Precognition:
Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and come at will. It may be used as a form of "danger senses" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from.

19) Memory Manipulation:
Ability to erase or enchant ones memory.

20) Mind Control:
Ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind.

21) Animation:
Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrifaction. To bring a toy to life or fake plants.

22) Disintegration:
Ability to disintegrate matter through touch, telepathy, or through beams

23) Probability Manipulation:
Ability to alter probability, causing unlikely things to happen, or likely things not to happen.

24) Resurrection:
Ability to come back to life after being killed as well or, to bring ones life back

Make sure if you want new powers to come here, to see a second part to this beauty. Make sure if the power sounds strong, only one then. Like animation should only be by itself. You can practically get supernatural toys and bring them all to life and you got yourselves boyfriends.

Hope the amazing me was much help for everyone.
Comment for secound part.

@Writersaid; (luci); webyoulater

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