Chapter 3

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"Tom!! Get me some tea!" Mark would yell from his room. "Coming!" Tom yelled, no longer in his own hood but a tinted blue shirt and an apron over some pants. "Tom! I would love a biscuit right now." Jon had said. "Just a minute!"
"Tom. Breakfast better be on the table when I come down there!!" Eduardo spoke quieter than the other ones, but that's what scared Tom more. "Y-yes sir." Tom said, in a polite manner. As soon as the tea and biscuits were by his brothers' door, he bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen. For breakfast were eggs, honey tea, pork, and a toasted muffin. Good thing Tom was going to the market in two days, this breakfast used the last of the pork. Tom had the table set and the plates filled with food by the time Eduardo came down with Jon and Mark trailing behind him. "Ah. Thank you, Tom." Eduardo said, before stopping. "Who's is that?" he gestered towards the fourth plate on the table. "I thought we could eat breakfast together." Tom stated. "Oh, well. Wouldn't you want to finish your chores before a break?" Eduardo said with a laugh and Tom took his plate, setting it back in the kitchen. Eduardo did feed the boy, but only the scraps from his leftover dinner. Although Tom was treated this way, he wasn't entirely sad. He still had his friends: Matt, Grace, and Tory and the small Tomee bear his father had given him. "Hello everyone. Would you like to eat with me?" Tom would say, and he would even share the scraps that were given to him. Although Matt liked to create art with his scraps, just to make Tom smile. Tom liked to call them, "Matt's mastercheeses." His friends tried to help him anyway they could, but Eduardo's cat would always find them first. Although Eduardo dubbed the cat stupid, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. There were mousetraps all over the house, so Tom tried to keep in friends in the attic. 

Now since Tom had already done all his chores today, he decided to do something else...away from his stepfamily. He ran out to the small stables behind the house and took his favorite out of the horses they had, a broad one-eyed Dutch Warm-blood. They rode out into the woods just by the meadow that Tom had always played in. The woods were always the place would come and think, filled without loud crowds and nagging siblings, just Tom and his thoughts with the animals sounds of the distance. Today was different. As our blue friend rode through the trees, a sound like an explosion was heard in the distance instead of the usual bird calls. His head shot up and pulled his horse to a halt as a blur jumped in front of them. It was a spotted-deer, a male to be exact. The male looked strong and fast, like he was the leader of the herd. Tom heard rustles in the leaves behind them, and even some yells and roars in the air. "Go" Tom whispered to the deer, "Go or they'll find you." The deer tilted its head as if to say he understood and disappeared into the trees. As Tom started to turn his horse around, the Dutch warm-blooded lifted its front legs upward sending Tom to the ground. Tom slowly started to stand up, rubbing the back of his head. "Are you alright?" he heard a thick accent ask. "Y-yes, I'm fine" he spoke before opening his eyes to see two devil horns and light brown eyes. Tom felt his cheeks heat up and his orbs widened. The man held out a hand and lifted Tom off the ground, the man was taller than our friend but only by a few inches. He wore a red and dark blue uniform and the devil horns were just spikes from his dirty blonde hair along with a small ponytail. 

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