Chapter 7

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"Huh?" Tom turned around to see an old man with a dark cloak covering his body. "I'm sorry, young lad, but you wouldn't have any milk to share." the old man asked. Tom sniffed and walked up to the old man. He could have told the old man to leave or said they didn't have any food, but Tom was different. I stead, Tom invited the man inside for what he needed. "Are you sure you wouldn't like some tea instead? Its very cold out." Tom said. "No, no. Milk will do." So the man in a torn suit, got two cups of goat's milk. He passed one to the old man. "Thank you, young man." He said, "but may I ask." Tom slowly turned his head to the man next to him. "Why all the tears?" He asked and Tom sighed. "I don't really want to talk about it."
"Is it the ball?" He asked, and Tom nodded. "Well, you know kindness beats evil everyday. " Tom was confused, the man lifted his hood and a bright, white light appeared. Tom covered his eyes, shielding them from the blinding flash. What felt like minutes past, Tom finally opened his eyes to see a brunette in a light green cloak with ivy designed into it. He shook his head as something appeared in his hands. It was a very long...pencil? "Huh..That's much better." The brunette stated, Tom was shocked. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide. "Oh, right you must be confused." The green clad said with a laugh. "M-more like surprised. Wh-who are you?? Tom stuttered. "Oh, I'm your fairy godfather."
"Yeah, and I'm the queen of England." Tom snorted, turning around. Only to be stop by the sound of "Bacon Cola" and the two cups of milk were transformed into two bushes with white roses. Tom turned his head around to see the brunette right behind him, holding a hand out. "The name's Edd. I must say, it's great to meet you, Tom!" Tom shook back, aghast from what he was hearing. "So you really are a fairy godfather. That's pretty interesting."
"Well, yes. I do get my fair share in magic. Now, tell me what's wrong?" Tom chuckled, "I bet you already know."
"BALLieve it or not, I do." Edd laughed, he clucted his chest. "What was that?" Tom said, understanding what he meant. "It was a pun, Tom. Like a play-on words." Tom nodded, "I guess I understand."
"Good because you're going to the ball!" Edd exclaimed. "Yeah, right. Didn't you see what just happened. How am I going to get there? What am I supposed to do a-" Tom was pulled towards the garden as Edd spoke "Leave everything to me."

In the garden, Edd saw many fruits and vegetables. "Hmm. Let's see. Do you have any watermelon?" Tom shook his head. "Artichoke?" Tom shook his head again. "Cantelop?"
"I don't know what that is." Tom said, "but we do have pumpkins." Edd thought about it, "I suppose that will have to do." And Tom led him to the pumpkins in the corner of the garden, Edd looked around and found a large pumpkin, roughly 4 pounds. "Well, aren't you gorgeous." He said with another laugh. Tom came to help Edd carry it, "No, no. I got it. We can do it here."
"Um..Do what here?" Tom asked hesitantly. "Turn the pumpkin into a carriage." Edd said casually. "Oh...wait what?" Tom said, realizing what Edd meant. "This is my first time doing it with a pumpkin actually, never done a squash before."
"Let's just hope it doesn't squash us." Tom said. Edd smiled and pointed a finger gun to Tom. "Now you're getting it Tom!" Edd said before realizing his magic words "Bacon Cola" and with a zap of his pencil, hit the pumpkin. 

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