Chapter 1: Ludwig

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I stared at the clock, eyes burning.


It read.

My eyes scan the blindingly bright room, the only noise being the lowered tv, which has some game show playing.

Well, I think that's what it is anyways.

Six of my dogs were laying in my bed in the other room, one at my feet as I drank another cup of coffee on the couch, the other one sat in my lap.

Besides the monthly shopping trip and the times Gilbert and Matthew visit, my dogs are the only living beings I see.

Each dog was different, and each had their own personality, likes, and dislikes, as well as one or more trained tasks to help me survive.

Alaric is the oldest, 6 years old. He is a Alaskan Malamute that is overly protective of me and the other dogs. He went into psychiatric service dog training 5 years ago, and now goes with me on the rare days I leave the house. He has the most tasks.

Blackie is a 5 year old German Shepherd, a very calm but hardworking dog. He plays with the others a lot, but enjoys laying with me on the couch by the fire as I read or write. He brings me my phone when I can't reach it.

Berlitz is a 5 year old Kuvasz that guards the house with his life. Although his fearlessness may seem good, it can get him in trouble a lot, or even hurt when he's not careful enough. He checks the entire house anytime I get back from somewhere, as well as my bedroom before I try to sleep.

Aster is a 4 and a half year old Chow Chow that loves playing in the snow. He is very energetic, often found running around outside with Berlitz, who seems to be his favorite of the other seven. He gets me outside at least once a day for 15 minutes.

Jäger is a 3 year old Shiba Inu. If you didn't guess, I named him while drinking Jäger. He loves to bother Amara, circling her until he gets a reaction. He normally plays with Aster and Berlitz. He works with Aster to get me up.

Amara is 2 years old, nearing 3. She is a Great Pyrenees that is incredibly calm. She likes having a small bow in her fur, and is often by the fire. Although you shouldn't let that fool you, she is just as tough as the boys. Amara is in charge of making sure I take my medication, eat, drink water, and shower.

Schatzi is a 2 year old Keeshond that is the definition of active. If I don't let her out enough, she begins running around in circles, trying to get my attention until I let her outside. She brings my attention to her when I'm somewhere different than the real world.

Imelda is the youngest, only 9 months. She is a Tibetan Terrier, and sweetest of the eight, always ready to show me and the others lots of love. She often sits in my lap or follows me around, and tries to get me to sleep in her own way. She always calms me down, making sure I know I'm loved.

It was Imelda that sat in my lap, curled up in a small ball, and Alaric was at my feet. Alaric was always near me, or would check on me constantly if he was playing outside.

I ran my hand through Imelda's fur, "Gilbert and Matthew are visiting tomorrow afternoon for dinner Ime." She snuggled farther into my lap in response, "that means we need to go to the store Alaric." He lifts his head up at his name, blinking in a way to confirm that he understood.

Imelda gently pulled on my shirt, looking up at me with a sad look in her blue eyes. This is how it always went, so I knew what her plan was.

"I don't want to sleep Ime, you know what happens," I told her, quietly, but now Alaric joined in trying to get me up, as I haven't moved from the couch in 6 hours other then to make 6 cups of coffee, lock the dog door, and pee.

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